Anxiety can become a state of torment.
It’s easy to feel scared when we’re faced with uncertainty and phantoms. It’s uncomfortable, unknown, lurking… it shines a light on how little control we have over a situation and holds it there.
I’m no stranger to this feeling.
Dealing with anxiety used to cause me sleepless nights. I felt lost in the world to deal with my thoughts, worries and fears. The mix often lead to panic, nausea and stress.
Like many, many others, I dealt with it alone.
And like many others, I looked for peace in anything outside of me. Counseling. Distraction. Routines. Chaos. Relaxation. Meditation.
Even though I thought I was stuck with the worst of the worst when it came to dealing with anxiety, God showed me the way to get through it. Today I meditate on His word when I want to turn toward Him, such as with these 17 Bible verses to calm your nerves.
(Please note: I believe there are different levels of severity when it comes to anxiety and that we should use discernment on how we seek help. I’m sharing ways that the Lord showed me that He was bigger than the anxiety I was battling–even moment to moment–and I pray it helps you!)
Overcome Anxiety with Truth
When I stopped running from God, I found a love so pure, so real and so TRUE, that it filled something in me that was lost, empty and scared to death. When I embraced Jesus Christ as my savior and thanked him for dying for my sins — and believed, truly, that he died for me — I realized there was no turning back.
The truth is, God is in control. It starts with Him; it ends with Him.
He goes with us into our darkest hours. We have someone to turn to, someone more powerful than anyone and anything on earth. Whatever we fear, whatever we’ve done and whatever has been done to us… we have a place to go and seek wisdom.
“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” (Deuteronomy 31:6)
Overcoming anxiety in a given moment means facing fear with truth, especially when we admit ultimate truths and pray for help to go from there. Pray for truth to rule your life in the name of Jesus Christ. It’s not always easy because we live in a world of lies.
Most of us don’t know what to do with the situations we find ourselves in. We get stressed, and the truth gets fuzzy.
This is a great translation of James 1:5-8:
If you don’t know what you’re doing, pray to the Father. He loves to help. You’ll get his help, and won’t be condescended to when you ask for it. Ask boldly, believingly, without a second thought. People who ‘worry their prayers’ are like wind-whipped waves. Don’t think you’re going to get anything from the Master that way, adrift at sea, keeping all your options open.
Overcome Anxiety with Faith
Trusting God with your life is not as easy as it sounds. Once upon a time I had no idea what that even meant. I thought it was enough to go to church sometimes and pray, even if I wasn’t sure my prayers were being heard.
But putting total faith in God requires us to let go of what we think we know and let him handle it.
Once we desire a spirit of truth, we trust that he will steer us in the right direction according to his will. In faith we know that God’s will is the best way for us, even when we do not understand it.
Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight. (Proverbs 3:5-6)
I can look back at some negative situations in my life and see good in them — God was refining me. At the time they felt excruciating, but now I see the error of my ways. When we don’t have God at the center, the world competes for that spot, and that’s when we become deceived.
1 Peter 5:7 tells us to cast all of our anxieties upon the Lord because he cares for us. It requires faith to take a situation to God — in all its ugliness and darkness — and lay it at the foot of the cross, trusting fully that he will work to heal the situation.
And in these moments, our faith can grow. It’s not comfortable, but transformation takes place. James 1:2-8 tells us:
Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.
Overcome Anxiety with Thanksgiving
Feeling thankful during a flash of anxiety sounds counter-intuitive, but it’s exactly what allows us to embrace the truth (God is in control), grow in faith (I’m giving this to you, Lord. Please help) and remain joyful in miserable moments.
“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.” (Philip. 4:6)
In the past if I felt worried about something, I would feel a sense of dread. The downward spiral would either take over or not… and I wasn’t always sure which way that would go or why.
Now when I feel tempted to worry, I say a silent prayer in my heart like this: “God, please help me to have the mind of Christ right now. I need you.”
God works in our lives and does MIRACLES. I have prayed about situations and have seen God change the outcome — prayed for help in times of tension and have seen God clear the air. My husband and I have prayed together for friends and family and saw people healed, relationships mended, spirits renewed and the list goes on and on.
God is faithful and he wants the best for us. When we trust that, we do not need to fear evil.
“I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11)
God offers the kind of healing that goes to the soul — it goes straight through us into the darkest of the dark.
For anyone who has ever dealt with stress, worry or anxiety, you know how tormenting it can be when it grabs hold. Without God in control, we are left feeling vulnerable and unprotected. Let Him be the one who grabs hold. I’m praying to die to myself day after day, sometimes even moment after moment, so that God can prevail in my life.
We turn to Him and say, “I need you Lord” He is there, holding us as we manage to put one foot in front of the other and make it through another day.
True peace, true courage and true love comes from God. The Lord Jesus Christ died for us so that we would be set free from the evil of the world. Nothing can win against the one who conquered death. Keep in mind:
- Psalm 56:11 says, “in God I trust; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?”
- “For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.” (2 Timothy 1:7)
- And if you’re still worried about what tomorrow could bring: “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” (Matt. 6:34)
Nice words of encouragement. I know there are times when ‘it’ can feel like something dark jumped into the skin and took control of the mind and body, reeking havoc on the nerves and sending everything that is not good throughout the whole being.
Yes God saves from this, but the troubles always come back. By sticking with the hope and love of God we’re set free from this attack, but it can be better to not take a step in the right direction then to start on a right path and stop to waffle in the chaos that strikes when we lose faith.
Luckily we can always pick-up where we left off and rejoin Christ – more importantly, we can be obedient to our instruction by getting involved with God in a way that allows Him to work in our lives to do His will. It is his mission to make His joy in us complete. When we seek him constantly, in church, reading the bible, through prayer, in small groups, yes in EVERY BREATH, we defeat the woes of the world and find our faith growing and unshakable from hearing and being reaffirmed in the promise of His words.
Give God everything and GET EVERYTHING! He who tries to save his life will lose it, but he who gives it up for the sake of Jesus will gain life. GET LIFE through Jesus and enjoy!
Very encouraging, as every now and again we are hit with something to upset us whether be physical or spiritual and coming back to God gives us peace,strength,protection and healing
Very true. Many a times I worry and over think yet nothing is solved. I have realised God is the answer and is on a prayerful away. He holds my tomorrow because all his plans are for me to prosper as he said in his word in Jeremiah 29:11.
So interesting, today’s Bible verse: “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9)
Always on time 🙂
Thank you for posting this, I love this passage so much! God has truly gotten me through some very dark times in my life. I hold on to this passage. PRAISE GOD
Needed this
Amen,,,Everywhere I’ve been sent by The Lord Jesus Christ he showed me thru his own spirit living in me I had all I needed within to become who I was called by Our Father God to be so I could witness the miracles signs and wonders following all believers like myself by our open faith to recieve what’s been promised thru The Holy Spirits presence of Gods own strength within encouraging us daily to rejoice at what all he’ s done to make this world we live in be peaceful even though there’s rumors of wars fights and struggles going on,outside,,,within I’ve learn ‘ t to listen for that small still voice and then I know which path to take to make me a successful warrior for Jesus Christ able bodied and ready to be all I’m called to be,,,a soldier of the cross,,,Loved your message,,,thanks have a good day of light leading your way today,,,,I too have struggled thru life to find my way lived in hard places met different faces,,but thru it all I was never alone as were promised in his word and never are we forsaken Jesus said this in Hebrews 13:5,,,others might leave but he never will,,,and only good can happen cuz you are loved and cared for if you didn’t know I wanted to tell you so,,,,,,,
Proverbs 3:5-6 has been wealth of instruction and comfort in my struggle with anxiety. Faith in Jesus has been the best antidote for this ugly illness.
heres one i use that is simple but strong.
“When i am afraid I will TRUST IN YOU.”
-Psalms 56:3
Hey just a little bit can go a long way May God bless you.
You’re quite right. God’s truth can help us see through and stand through what attempts to torment us. God bless you too!
Yes, His word keeps us strong and reminds us who is really in control! I also read when feeling tempted to stress … really like these two verses you listed (Proverbs 3:5-6 and Psalms 56:3). Thanks for posting them for all of us.
I was on my way to a presentation where I would be speaking to over a hundred members of my company’s senior staff.
A friend was following in another car where I had left my prepared speech tucked away in a folder. While in traffic and the pouring rain we were separated (no cell phones). My friend wasn’t a hundred percent sure where the conference was being held and worse, I had less than an hour to get there. That’s when I realized my friend was nowhere in sight.
It dawned on me that: a) no written speech on hand for this important presentation b) heavy traffic and running late and, c) would have to find parking in a busy, downtown area once I’d get there.
I began to pray.
I asked God for help and then remembered a Scripture: “He will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee”.
So as I continued in the traffic and rain, I began to slowly and calmly repeat the Scripture over and over. I kept at it till I arrived in the area with about 10 minutes to spare. Then I noticed my friend turning from across the street to where I was. We both arrived at the same time! A car park had spaces available and so we parked and went (running) across the street to the building. I’d gone inside and met with some of the staff who were concerned to say the least. Less than 10 minutes after that I’d given the speech along with a video presentation to the senior staff.
The presentation went over well, better than I’d hoped.
There was absolutely no way I could have done this at all had it not been for prayer and the Word of God. Not just the presentation, which would have been nerve wracking enough, but more importantly in holding me together so peacefully.
It also gave me a valuable reference and I’m grateful each time I think of that morning and what God has done for me. It reminds me that once again that when praying, make sure to pray the Word.
Glory to God.
I can so relate. A couple of years ago I started having an anxiety disorder (it was a year after my baby and I got into a car accident). I think it was post-traumatic stress disorder. It was the worst thing I ever went through…not the accident itself, but the anxiety disorder!! That’s the funny thing…fear, most of the time, is worst than the actual thing that is feared. Every single moment during the accident and in the moments after it when I didn’t know how my son would be (he got hurt pretty badly), we’re not as bad as the anxiety and panic that crept into my life a year later. You see, God promissed He would be with me in trouble, He would walk me through it and give me strength and supernatural peace, and that’s exactly what He did during those horrible moments. But when panic and anxiety crept in, I did not feel God’s peace, I felt torment. Eventually this showed me just how much this was not from Him. The enemy wants so badly to take away our peace, our faith, our trust in God. He will do whatever he can to do that…whisper things to make us worry, tell us lies and torment us. If we don’t have God’s Word embedded into our hearts and minds, we put ourselves in risk of falling into this pattern of fear and anxiety.
“Therefore, put on every piece of God’s armor so you will be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil. Stand your ground, putting on the BELT OF TRUTH and the body armor of God’s righteousness. For shoes, put on the peace that comes from the Good News so that you will be fully prepared. In addition to all of these, hold up the SHIELD OF FAITH to stop the fiery arrows of the devil. Put on salvation as your helmet, and take the SWORD of the Spirit, which is the WORD OF GOD.” Ephesians 6:13-17
Pray for me that I put on the Lorsarmour always and remind me that he is slwsyswith us and I don’t let the.enemy over power me in my thoughts and things I need to act on.
Cristine, you’re so right about how if we don’t have God’s word embedded in our hearts and minds, we’re at risk for suffering fear, stress, worry, anxiety, etc. It was awful living as a slave to those things.
I’m sorry to hear about your accident. As a momma my heart wrenched thinking what you must have gone through… don’t even like to imagine where we turn in those times without Christ.
If you would like to write more about it–how God showed up for you and your baby–please let me know. Would love to read a guest post like that.
I have felt a great calm over me reading all these verses. God has been so good to me. I thank him so much for the gift of life and always being there. I have terrible stress and anxiety and still working on it. But knowing how much God our Father loves us that he gave his only son to die for out sins makes you know how much he loves you.
So when I am afraid I will trust in You
God Bless
Thank you God for your power to overcome! As everything in our life changes, swirls and blows in the wind, God stays the same — solid and true. His promises endure. Amen.
I just started dealing with anxiety. It is such torment in my life. I found your website and I am now using scriptures to try and calm myself down during an attack.
Thanks for your post. I have really bad attacks to. I do not know how i got them. I deal with them everyday for the past five months. I am a christian and do attend church even with my anxiety attacks. I have prayed,cried,read bible tried about everything. I know God is going to heal me but in his time. But it seems i can not get know where. Are there something am doing wrong or what. I was told when there is no more then you can do is to stand. Its so hard. Am tried of living in this sickness that satin put on me. I did to break free. So be praying for me and Ill do the same for you. God bless you all.
I have been a Christian many years and have had anxiety that takes over and consumes me all my life andI think I ask God to take it from me but maybe my faith isn’t strong enough to put it at his feet and leave it…. I keep picking back up and try to handle it on my own. Today this changes!!! I am trust in the lord and letting the worry and fretting go
Sherry, that’s so great! And please remember this is an ongoing battle for those of us who suffer with it, it’s a matter of not picking it back up and instead focusing on the promises of the Lord (sometimes over and over many times in one day). Sometimes it’ll work and sometimes we just have to hang in there the best we can, but at least we are fighting the good fight the best way we can… in faith! God bless you!
Hi- My name is Amy. I am having to find a new Doctor after going to my current Doctor for 16 years. I am terrified of people being rude to me & avoid people & situations at all costs. I pray & give thanks to God at all times.. But I am still feeling so overwhelmed that I am crippled by fear. There is a lot more that I could go into, but I am afraid that someone will recognize me here on this site and I will get into trouble.. Any words of encouragement would be so helpful, please… Thank you all SO SO much. Thank you…
Hi Amy, thanks for sharing here. Is your fear that you when you find a new doctor people in the new office will be rude to you? Or do you mean that as well as having to find a new doctor you’re also feeling overwhelmed with fear in general? I ask just so I can help encourage you, but more than anything, the words from 2 Timothy 1:7 come to mind: “For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.” This isn’t to make you feel bad about your fear (we all feel fearful at times!), but to encourage you to reach for the spirit of power and love and self-control that the Lord has given you… to stand in it and walk forward with courage. I cling to those words at times; once I even wrote them on a small piece of paper and carried it with me to read in a certain situation. From a practical, everyday perspective, I have moved quite a few times over the years and have gone to many different doctors but overall have had great experiences! Maybe this change will be good? But hm… I’m not sure why you would “get in trouble” by anyone as you mentioned… that sounds like maybe there’s something more going on. I hope you are OK and not in a dangerous situation. Praying!
Please remember to put all your faith in the Most High (The Full Armor Of God), because even with a little doubt inside you give the enemy room to work on you. I understand your frustration because I to suffer from anxiety. Our minds are strong but if we have no self control over them, that’s when the wicked steps in and preys on our weaknesses and we believe. May you find comfort and peace in our Heavenly Father. God Bless!
Praying for you Becky im going through a lot of anxiety and distress but we need to keep strong He is surely withbus even in our times of distress Keep strong I will pray for your healing
*I’ll post a prayer request for you both on GoingByFaith’s facebook page…
Jamie — I cling to the Lord when I’m tempted to worry or stress. He can put things in perspective like we can never do on our own… especially through his Living Word!
Becky — Anxiety is not an easy issue to address because it’s different and personal to each of us. I have no doubt that this kind of stress and worry involves a great deal of spiritual attack, and so remember to put on the “full armor of God.” When I start feeling stressed, I like to feel there’s a greater purpose for how God is using my life. We’ll be praying that God shows you how He wants to use you through this time of trial.
Ephesians 6:13-18:
“Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.”
becky i have been going through the same things for almost a year not its got to the point wherei can no longer drive i was on meds for it but i am now expecting my second child and cannot take it which it didnt really help no way but two months ago i was told my almost 2 yr old was dibetic he was in icu for a week with a blood sugar of 990 ever since my has got bad like everyday i am fighting anxiety i pray so hard that the lord takes this illness from me and i know he will i just wish i knew when its so hard having to depend on people to take me here or take me and my son to his doctors apts and i know its hard on others and on top of that my fiance who is in the army is always gone and doesnt understand what i am goign throught and why i cant get behind the wheel and drive and i try to get behind the wheel and drive somthing just over comes my body and i cant not only there but i get nervous at work home the places where you are supose to be comforable im only 21 years old i just wish i could have my life back that i could wake up one day and just take my son to the park and play with him with out getting nervous and getting to feelin dizzy like imm pass out or get sick its so hard and i have no one to talk to about it that could maybe understand most people think its in my head but i know its not because i know the feeling that over comes me when i am haveing an attack god bless anyone who is or has going through this because it is the hardestthign i have ever been through. please say a little prayer for me thanks and i will do the same for each and everyone of u
Going through something similiar everything I do turns to dust nI feel like im cursed but am fortunate and blessed to have such a lovibg and caring family that understand Darkness is something one can understand unless youve been through it but I never give up and keep believing and trusting in God He is there for us through our trials and tribulations keep seeking the word of God and talk to others who may be able to help I will pray for you and ask the Lord to heal yoyr anxiety
becky, i have been going through the same things for almost a year not its got to the point wherei can no longer drive i was on meds for it but i am now expecting my second child and cannot take it which it didnt really help no way but two months ago i was told my almost 2 yr old was dibetic he was in icu for a week with a blood sugar of 990 ever since my has got bad like everyday i am fighting anxiety i pray so hard that the lord takes this illness from me and i know he will i just wish i knew when its so hard having to depend on people to take me here or take me and my son to his doctors apts and i know its hard on others and on top of that my fiance who is in the army is always gone and doesnt understand what i am goign throught and why i cant get behind the wheel and drive and i try to get behind the wheel and drive somthing just over comes my body and i cant not only there but i get nervous at work home the places where you are supose to be comforable im only 21 years old i just wish i could have my life back that i could wake up one day and just take my son to the park and play with him with out getting nervous and getting to feelin dizzy like imm pass out or get sick its so hard and i have no one to talk to about it that could maybe understand most people think its in my head but i know its not because i know the feeling that over comes me when i am haveing an attack god bless anyone who is or has going through this because it is the hardestthign i have ever been through. please say a little prayer for me thanks and i will do the same for each and everyone of u….
KC — Thank you for your comment. It’s true that many people think anxiety is “just in your head” and even will sometimes say, “Just get over it.” I may have mentioned above, but when I feel tempted to stress about something, I call on God immediately.
Thinking about it like this has also helped: Would God send this spirit of confusion and sickness and torment upon me? No. It is coming from somewhere else; somewhere that is not of God.
Having had personal experience with anxiety in the past, I know how it can stop you in your tracks, and yet God makes us as surefooted as a deer (psalm 18:33). When this feeling comes over you, command it to flee in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Use the very words God has give to you against the attack:
“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” -Isaiah 41:10 listen to chapter
Cling to Him. Stay in HIS Word. Get plugged in with a church family and women’s group… stay connected during this time and keep stepping out. Nothing — no man, spirit or principality of darkness can win over the plan of the Lord Jesus Christ as He has already beat death. Remember His promise to you!
I’m only 14 and the stress of being a teen is already a huge struggle for me. Though, its not as serious as some other things I have so much on my plate and I found this website today and I really hope it can help me. My dad is sort of an alcoholic and hes a little bit crazy i accidentally deleted an extremely important message off his phone. I really don’t know what to do should I tell him or wait til he finds out on his own. Please help!
My son two years ago had a drug problem he did jail time, he was doing grate, but i have been having such Anxiety and panic attacks to the point i can bearly eat, not good, i lost my husband the same year my son was a mess, i am so afraid of going through it again, that our relationship is strained i love my son, i went to my christain pastor he said to leave him in the hands of God! Lord i am trying and at time i do good, then satan gets playing with my head i will read my passages and i do read my Bible and i pray and i talk to God, the panic and Anxiety can make things real when there not, know what i mean? I pray my son is okay and that if he has fallin again he will find his way again back to serving God, i do how ever still see him with his Bible though, that has to be a good sign, i know he still Love God, he just at a cross road and pray that he chooses the right one ! But the best i can do for him is stay in prayer and give it to God and let it go once i hand it over to him!please pray for me and my son, i am praying for all of you who are going through the same thing, i am glad i am not alone with my struggle! My brothers and sisters in Christ.God bless each and everyone of you!
Thank you for the scripture reading some of then help ease my heart, I know that God is always in control.
Thank you for dropping in Tee!
Hi Emily — I’m sorry to hear about this situation with your dad. It’s hard to say how to respond, especially if it’s the kind of situation that could put you in harm’s way.
Thought: Do you have an adult nearby who can help you relay the message to your dad in a safe way?
It might be a good idea to plug in to a youth group near your house where you can get wise counsel as well as get together with friends your age who love the Lord. Keep seeking God and praying for his protection, Emily. He answers us!
First – I want to say thank you so much for this post Jennifer it has been truly helpful! I have struggled with anxiety since the age of 5 and I am now 30. I never wanted to face or accept anything was wrong with me until 1 1/2 ago, I was on medication and it helped so much but now I am trying to have kids and I don’t want to take anything that could harm my baby, so I stopped the medication.
KC & Becky – I know exactly how you feel and it feels so good to hear people express exactly what I am going through, sometimes just going to work or being out with friends, people who you are suppose to feel comfortable around, can be such a struggle. With my anxiety I get really nausea and a lot of times I end up getting sick. It is so hard dealing with this and recently I have turned to God for help. I have given my anxiety to him and have asked him to help me and guide me during this time.
My thoughts and prayers are with everyone dealing with this, may God give us the strength and courage to get through this.
Its like you wright my life and I am so greatfull that I overcome anxiaty and fear 7 years ago I still batle but known what to do known. praise God
Thank you for this post. I’m so worried about a situation at my job that was not my fault, that all I can do is talk and think about it. I had no clue that a customer gave me way more money than she needed too. I told my boss that I believe that the money belongs to her, she said we have a week to correct the situation, but she informed me that she wanted to see what my other boss wanted to do. I believe that she wants me to just accept this as a loss, but I can’t when I know in my heart that it belongs to someone. So now all I’m going to do is give it to God understanding that he didn’t bless me with this job for me to lose it over something that I didn’t do, but he is using me to trust him and to understand that although I’m not in control but God is always in control so I’m in good hands. I shall rest tonight knowing that he has already worked this all out on my behalf.
I just started a new school, and the anxiety and stress I have is terrible. I’ve always had anxiety problems , but they have never been so bad. I’ve always been well liked and included but at my new school, in a way I have to start all over. I’m trying to put everything in Gods hands but it’s hard .
Reading your comments continues to encourage me. Thank you all.
@Liz — Amen sister! Isn’t he awesome to save us? You just want to share it with anyone who will listen, right? hah… I’m right there with you 🙂
@LO — It’s funny how we can relate when people explain anxiety. It’s not something we *want* to relate to, but, you know how it is. Hearing how you want to have kids and get off meds, that’s awesome. I’m praying for you… only God can uproot what needs to go and fill it with his love that has no bounds. This quote made me think of you: “Few souls understand what God would accomplish in them if they were to abandon themselves unreservedly to Him and if they were to allow His grace to mold them accordingly.” (St. Ignatius Loyola)
thank you all for the beautiful verses. i just started college recently and my panic attacks have gotten way out of control. im bi polar and ocd as well and i keep having anxiety attacks about going crazy. it is beyond scary as im away from my family now. please pray for me and theses attacks. im trusting that the Lord will put peace in my heart through all this.
LeeLee — Thanks for your openness and honesty about your work situation. God is in control, and we also have free will. Perhaps this is a good opportunity to trust Him and allow Him to grow your character, integrity and heart by doing what is right, even if there is pressure to just ignore it and “go with the flow.”
There are times in my life, before being saved, that I wish I would have stood up and chosen to do the right thing, even if it made me look foolish at the time or wasn’t the popular choice.
1) It’s what we’re called to do (“So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin.” -James 4:17)
2) God blesses us for doing the right thing (“Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. “Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you. – Matt 5:10-12)
3) It plants seeds and examples for others who may later feel convicted about their actions (Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. -Romans 12:21)
Pray that God convicts your heart to do the right thing. He will show you the way, and that way will always be better than the “world’s” way. It gives you peace that can only come from Him that so many people seek.
This is such an encouraging post..i went through this dreaded panic/anxiety attack about death a few years ago. It was really the worst thing that i ever went through. Though it hard at first, i read bible verses and prayed and put my life wholly in His care. Now, praise God , its been years since i felt ‘it’. My favourite bible verse during those times and still is Psalms 91. I just really wanted to share that. May the Lord bless us all.Amen
Thank you for the wonderful scriptures. I, myself, have been battling this sickness off and on for years. I went off my meds over 2 years ago but the past few months have been a real struggle for me. My Dr. recently put me back on meds. I don’t like it and this sickness makes me feel like I don’t have the trust in the Lord that I should have. I find myself meditating on, “I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me!” It seems to help! I too can only pray and hope I can beat this! Prayers for all you of too! I have honestly always been embarrassed to tell anyone of my anxiety but I thank you all for making me feel not alone!
Please disregard the very very long comment I just submitted today. I happened upon this website by accident and I read through a few of the posts and responded to them rather quickly. I responded without reading what you were asking people to submit at the the top of the page: When has the Lord helped you overcome worry? How did it turn out.
Thank you! Kay
I have been worrying for quite some time. My husband and I recently reconciled after being separated for 6 months. He then left for work for 2 months and we rekindled and had a nice anniversary this past weekend. He is now at a bachelor party in Miami and I am freaking out with worry. He told me not to worry but I did the most horrible thing. I put up a cute pic of myself on facebook and it got back to him that I’m seeking attention while he is gone. We are both very insecure because of the separation. I feel as though I have not been praying and turning to God’s Word as much as I should have. I need him now to fix this situation and to allow me to turn to him during this time, trusting that God will bring my husband home and that we will get past this argument. As of right now, my husband is back to not speaking to me. Please Lord God be with him, protect him and watch over him. And Lord please allow me to repent to you for not turning to you this past weekend as much as I should have. I feel horrible. Please Lord help save this marriage. Please allow me to trust in you and not lean on my own understanding. I’m so sorry Lord for worrying. Please ease my worry. Please allow my husband and I to get back on solid ground before he comes home. I want him to have a nice time and not blame me for things while he is gone. Please be with us. Please allow this forgiveness. Please father. I need you.
It is 3:17 am and after not being able to sleep due to great anxiety and fear over everything that seems to come to mind I arose and came out to my couch and opened my bible and began reading the bible and prayed that The Lord would deliver me from my anxiety, worry, and fear that I deal with daily and now has come to a point where it effects every part of my day and my health. I get awakened in the night with dizziness and have been to many doctors and no one knows what’s wrong with me except to say they believe I have panic anxiety attacks even in my sleep. I don’t want to go on meds for this and my husband keeps telling me that I need to trust The Lord and then I would not suffer from this aniexty. I think I am and pray and ask God to help me trust Him more but I am still struggling. I believe there is power in prayer so I ask for your prayer that I may overcome this thru Jesus Christ who gives me strength. I want to be free from this once and for all. Thank you for your words above and the scripture and references that I can meditate on. I know I am not alone in this and pray for all who struggle daily with the same thing and pray they will be set free from this terrible sickness. God bless!
Thank you for the verses!!! It makes me feel good to know that my lord is real and ill be praying for you guys I love you all THANK YOU MY LORD
This site is amazing!! So glad i came across it. Feels great to see that im not the only one who’s going through this. I too now suffer from fear anxiety, and panic attacks. 3 months ago, i had a severe one while driving home from work. And since that day, i have been scared to drive because the fear of having another one while driving alone. When i am in the car by myself, i tend to think a lot and i think the “what ifs” and “what could happen” I’ve driven since then on freeways and with friends in the car, i have mild attacks but i just push myself forward to get through it.. I just put in my head “God promises that he not gona let nothing bad happen to me” i drill that in my head.. Everytime i hear someone die, it puts fear in me too. But now, I’ve decided to turn over to Christ. I feel fear and anxiety comes from the enemy, and if he knows you are afraid of something, he will keep it in you mind and conscious. But prayer and faith in God brings us through. I dont do half the things i use to do anymore (like clubbing all the time, dating multiple guys, etc).. Or have the same friends like i use to. I just feel like God is working on me and testing my faith.. Before all this started months ago, i remember crying one day and i said “im not gona make it through this” and a voice out of nowhere came to me and said “yes you will you gone be alright” i really felt like that was God speaking to me. And i believe him. This too shall pass
About September of this year I was about 19 weeks pregnant,is when this panic attack occured and has caused ongoing constant anxiety, my fifth pregnancy. I have a daughter Clara to turn 3 on the 21 of December, she is my only child I have. My very first I had back in 2005, we gave him up for adoption as it seemed the best option at that time. Then in Jan. 2011 we had Annabel who passed from this life at 3 months old, I found her in her bed gone when I awoke, reasons are unknown still. Got pregnant shortly after she passed but miscarried at 12 weeks. ‘Now pregnant again am 35 weeks and this constant anxiety has me thinking I’m going crazy or something, it is very debilitating, I have never suffered with it like
this ever. It started at 19 weeks pregnant and I took a cymbalta and it caused me to have a panic attack, before the pregnancy was on zoloft did fine with it
So they tried that again did same panic attack, then recently because of the constant ongoing anxiety they tried lexapro and same panic attack with suicidal thoughts. I pray every night for the Lord to take this anxiety away, but I am so afraid of something going wrong with this labor as the last one I almost died due to blood loss, or something wrong with this baby, and I am sure there is a lot more on my mind. I don’t know if it was that cymbalta that messed my brain up permanently or maybe just brought about this vicious cycle, but please pray for me as I need to get through this. I have not taken medication since the lexapro, but I am afraid I might need something I am just so scared please help!
tried me on that yet again another panic attack. Since have had constant anxiety so recently they stuck me on lexapro did same thing with suicidal thought. I have preaey
Thank you all for these verses. I start stressing & having anxiety attacks when it’s time for bed, I feel like am going to stop breathing when I do.
I thought I was the only one who felt that way during the evening hours, I do have my sister who helps me out during these difficult times. I believe that if I trusted more in the Lord and take his hand he “WILL” guide me thru all this stress and anxiety.
I’ve been reading this page all morning while I have some down time at work and I’m getting so much inspiration from it. I’m a 22 year old who has always suffered from intense anxiety and sometimes depression. My faith has had its ups and downs, when I was growing up I was very active in church with my family, until their faith took a turn and we stopped going to church or worshiping and might not have let the best lives we could. I still continued going to church with friends of mine from school, but I changed a lot in my teenage years and felt a lot of rebellion and anger inside me caused by people who hurt me at a young age. I was in a dark place for a teenager and after a few years, I came out of it. In those days, I turned to music and art to get me through every day, because I think I was just too young to really understand God and all that he does, plus I didn’t have the best examples at the time.
After I went through high school, started working, and started taking care of myself for the most part, I definitely felt better but my anxiety came back with failed relationships and friendships. I saw some dark times as a 20 year old and let myself get trapped in a dangerous relationship, and those were the times that I really started thinking about God a lot and knowing that I needed some kind of help, but just didn’t know how to get it. Now, 2 years later, I have still struggled with internal stress and fear every day. I am a sensitive girl who lets everything and everyone get to her. I work full time and take care of myself and pay for all of my bills, because my family doesn’t have much to help me with, and a lot of times I find myself so stressed to the point of anxiety attacks because of finances, missed bills, too much responsibility, and a few health problems I have had for the last few years that really take a toll on me sometimes. I start thinking “why me, why am I always hurting and why cant doctors figure out whats wrong” and I get really frustrated when I see others mistreat their bodies and then have great health, while I am eating well and trying to nurture my body the best I can and I still end up having health problems. I know it isn’t right to get mad and angry but I can’t help it, its scary when you don’t know what’s wrong and others don’t seem to really care. I have felt really alone, between my psychical health as well as my emotional health. I haven’t had many friends because most of them over the years have betrayed me and hurt me and I just let them go from my life because they didn’t uplift me at all, they just brought me down and added to the stress and that’s not what I need. I have my family who i love more than anything, and my boyfriend who hasn’t been perfect but has been very supportive, thoughtful, and always there for me through my rough times the past year.
Some would say I’m not a good person of God because I haven’t gone to church in a long time to worship him, but I think in my heart I’m a really good person. I try hard every day to keep my faith and to be there for others. I will do anything in the world for anyone, even if I don’t know them. I have a nurturing, mothering sense and I love to take care of my nephew and watch him grow and learn. He is 2 and a half and some of the best times the past few years were with him. I find that he calms me down so much, even though he is a crazy little guy, and he makes me happy when I am having those days where I am feeling really lonely and lost. His innocence and his smile just help to remind me what beauty God created, and then I remember that I have to just keep going. I also have a soft spot for animals and have 3 cats, I have even jumped into the middle of traffic to save one that I found wandering as just a tiny kitten who couldn’t see. I always want to take care of and help everyone so that they are happy, that sometimes I forget to do that for myself, which is why I find myself with anxiety and sadness a lot, but lately I have remembered more that God is there for me no matter what.
My family doesn’t include God in their lives as much as they should, but me and my mom are trying harder lately and we both read a lot of good books and she makes sure to send me special inspiration quotes every day when she knows I have a lot on my mind. My grandma is the exception she is a wonderful christian and has such a big heart for everyone. We have a great relationship and I am so thankful for that. She helps me a lot and lately has been explaining more things to me that I haven’t ever understood.
When I’m having really bad days and I just can’t stop crying because of stressful things, I have been leaning towards prayer more, along with reading my helpful books, writing, and taking photos. Writing and photography were too things that always stuck with me as a hobby but also much more than that. They are ways for me to express how I feel and how to capture my thoughts and the world around me. There’s nothing like taking my camera out into nature and just seeing the beauty God has given to us.
I have had a lot of friends or acquaintances who don’t have faith and think it’s silly and that has made me feel really distant from them and I also just don’t understand how they can feel that way. I know there is bad in the world, so much that it effects us all, but there is also so many great things that it doesn’t make sense that it all just “appeared” like some people choose to believe. The beauty of humans and animals and nature, with all of their pieces and parts and organs…its just amazing and another way that my faith keeps growing during dark times.
This post is kind of all over the place, I guess I’m just thankful that I’m learning more about myself and about God and hearing your stories definitely helps. Can’t wait to read more.
Thank you for this website Jennifer. My anxiety has been for many years and is frequently about my children who are adults. My son is now 42 and my daughter is 30. Just two days ago I went to my family doctor who specializes in holistic medicine and had an EEG and a Brain Map made with a system called Clear Mind Center’s EEG Neurointegration System
It turns out that our emotions are a reflection of the rhythms in our brains: excess beta can produce anxiety, too much frontal alpha could result in depression, or ADD. Training brainwaves into efficient patterns allows the central nervous system to learn how to self-regulate, directing it away from debilitating, painful, destructive disorders into effortless processing and optimal functionality.
So, I had my brain mapped in a painless 12 minute procedure and then had the first treatment which was 30 minutes. I plan to return because it was helpful. Last night I slept soundly for the first time in years and woke up refreshed.
Tonight the anxiety came over me again and I found your website. It has helped me so much to feel included in your community and to be comforted by your words and the word of God. Thank you so much.
I’m so touched reading through these comments, and please know you are ALL in my prayers. God has shown me that He is bigger than anything, and in many ways, I feel like suffering with anxiety in the past has helped me trust Him even more in the present, since whenever I even start to feel nervous, I know where to turn.
Dealing with anxiety is such a solo thing… it can feel lonely and frightening, mostly because no one outside of you can relate to how you are feeling exactly. They can empathize but they can’t feel it the same way you can. And like Nancy and Sarah commented, I used to feel it before going to sleep, which was like *the worst* so, yep, can totally relate.
That’s the thing though about trusting God. Intense worry isn’t something you can handle alone. Another person can’t fix it for you. Medication can’t fix it for you. Maybe there is some short-term relief in medication, but we all know that meds don’t make the root of anxiety go away.
Learning the Word of God and continuing to read it, study it, pray on it, talk about it — that has shown me the answers to pulling things out of us–things that need to go–by the roots. The answer is God. He created us. He transforms and changes us. He saves us. He sent His son to take on that burden for us so we can have life. But we have to give it to Him (trust Him!).
If you’re reading this right now and you’re like, what is she talking about? (haha, I would have thought that 5 years ago reading this), all I can say is that the Spirit breathed new life into me, and it all started by hearing His word. And then going to bible study and learning his word and reading a bible I could understand (there are different versions). And meeting other Christians who were filled with the spirit and who instead of offering worldly judgment and short-term advice, offered prayer and friendship. God tells us the answers. He gives them to us.
“Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you.” (Matt 7:7)
Happy New Year
I am applying for graduate school and I think I have a good chance getting in. One of the things that I am concerned about is a grade that is incorrect on my transcript. I noticed the grade and knew it was wrong but suffering from depression, i slip into a “what’s the use attitude”, “i don’t care attitutde” and did not contact the professor about it. Now, i am scared that the grade will keep me from getting into this grad program that will open up so many doors for me. I can’t take one more rejection or failure. I am happy I found this site the stories are encouraging.
@Emily, I hope this post finds you well. My dad was also an alcoholic. I would agree that you should find an adult that you can talk to and who will go with you to talk to your father when you are scared to do so. If your mother is around, and is not enabling his habit, perhaps you can talk to her. Also, joining a youth group as someone suggested is a good idea also.
I just wanted to thank Jennifer(I know God gets all the glory) for this article. The verses and the links to other articles has helped me tremendously. I have not had this kind of anxiety for years and your articles are where God directed me and the verse He had you choose where a blessing to me. May God bless you and yours.
Thank you Jesus for coming to teach us of God’s holy word…. So that we may find comfort in times of anxiety. I pray for all these people tonight struggling with stress and worry…. intervene in our lives Jesus! We love you Lord!
I’ve been going through lots of anxiety lately. I have scary thoughts i don’t like, and feelings of no control over them. I’m only 12 and I’ve always been really sensitive. Not only did i have anxiety about my thoughts, but also about facing the world. I try breathing exercises, and meditation techniques. They really helped, but i felt like i was searching for something more. I talked to family members and it also seemed to help but i still started getting anxiety. I felt like i didn’t have faith in god. Not only was i scared, worried and sad, but i was angry at god. After reading that the lord knows everything that will happen and what you will go through in life. I would yell at him and shout “why did you make this happen to me when i’m so sensitive, when i have to good of a heart?” I couldn’t take it anymore. I would stay home from school and cry feel sick and i couldn’t sleep as well as i used to. I’m starting medication and I believe it is starting to help. Soon i will be getting test and blood work to see what may be the matter. I soon started to here a voice talking to me that always calmed me down. It was the voice of god telling me these thoughts aren’t you, and the feelings like an inner demon was tormenting me would calm down. My aunt started getting her church to pray for me and, me and my mom would pray to. I realized that it wasn’t god giving me these thought, but the enemy who knows that i’m sensitive. He wants to ruin me. I now know that with the help of god that not only is he in my heart but i am starting to walk with him and have FAITH! I know that i may get these thoughts and feelings of anxiety but i will have hope faith and trust in god and my self to help and i love to read these versus now everyday
Thank you Lord for this page that I just found. Ok here is what Im going through. For the past 6 month I started to experience constant dizziness and anxiety attacks. I would go to Dr office they will give me a pills to take but it will make my symptoms worse. So i go back to work and here it came again those attacks so I go back to Dr office and they will give me something else but again no help. After several month trying the Dr took me out for 2 weeks and put me on Xanax and it calm me down but I felt like after only 2 weeks I was depending on them. After 2 weeks out he send me back to work but the xanax would calm me down to much and i could not function with that in the system so after trying to be at work and could not i called the Dr and he refer me to you guess it a Psiciatrist . He kept me on Xanax and another pill. I am not a pill taker I just hate putting pills in my body but if this was to help so let give it a try . Even though they were calming me down i still felt that the pill would not take care of the root cause. I prayed my family prayed my Pastor prayed . On January 20 while getting up to go to church I turn my tv on ( I normally don’t turn tv on when getting ready for church) and the first thing coming out of his mouth is you can have victory over anxiety so I just looked at my wife and we both agreed this was a word from God through the mouth of Dr .Charles Stanley . After listening to his message it was clear to me that it was time to stop the pills and rely on the power of God. After a week of really sleepless night because I was not taking the pills I finally was able to start sleeping . I am still out of work and feel dizzy and have been without any income due to issues of paper work between my dr and insurance company but I am trusting God to deliver me from this mental problem and like Dr Charles Stanley said is a faith battle. You have to trust God that he will take the Anxiety away. This is the verse he provided . Phillipians 4 :4-7 I ask for your prayers and I believe there will be Victory over Anxiety. God Bless and thank you for your encouragement .
I, Too, have been struggling with severe anxiety. It has affected my work, personal and family life. I’m not sure how I let it get so out of control, and just like everyone else said–noone understands it unless they’ve been through it themselves. It is very debilitating and consuming. Most of my anxiety is centered around health issues that do not even exist. I have a headache so I think something is wrong with my brain, I have a bump somewhere and I think it’s cancer. I am only 27 years old, but I’ve suffered so much loss around me that I can’t seem to stop these thoughts and it seems everywhere you turn these days someone is sick. Now that I am a mother, I am full of worries. I’ve barely talked to my dr about it, the first thing she wants to do is medicate me. I don’t want to put chemicals into my body to treat the symptoms, I want to get to the root. I started doing a faith-based counseling service a few weeks ago. I’m hoping she can teach me and help me continue in the direction I know I need to go and that is towards God. You see, I’ve been on this journey to find peace and I knew that I needed to encourage and build my faith in order to fully achieve this. I didn’t grow up in a church, but have always believed but as I got older just wasn’t exactly sure what I was believing in so about 4-5 months ago I decided I wanted to learn more. I wanted that rock, aka God. I’m wondering if this anxiety that has hit me so hard since November is coming from the enemy. I have been reading sciptures and a couple books but things aren’t coming naturally to me bc I am not yet familiar. My other problem is that I am in grad school to become a behavior analyst so I over-analyze everything just by nature even though I know I should not lean on my own understanding. I know I just need to have patience, but this anxiety is awful and I just want to experience joy again. However, by the grace of God I have been able to put one foot in front of the other every day and feel better than I did a month ago, but there are still so many triggers that send me into a downward spiral. Any input/prayers would be helpful. My baby boy turns 2 tomorrow and I just want to enjoy this special weekend with him without the constant fears and worry. Goodnight and God bless 🙂
I have always dreamed of working at this nice bank. It was impossible to get there. So the dream was just there. Floating, always just a dream, never really expecting anything. Although i persistently applied online for years. In sep 2012 lo and behold, i was asked to take the exam, and last january, i was called in for an interview. It was all so surreal. And in feb, i got pre-offer. I knew this was God’S will. I claimed it, God will let me transfer to that bank anytime soon. All this is by his grace. I claimed it. I am so near. I just need the favorable evaluation of my character references and then they will give the formal offer.
But i am so worried now, because my current supervisor, who needs to provide my evaluation, is angry at my leaving. If not fail the evaluation, she will delay it. She is like that, the mean boss. The power tripping kind of boss. And i am sinning because i should not be anxious. I should trust God, delight in him. He is in charge here.
My boss is now always angry at me, looking for faults and acting like a brat. And it stresses me all the more. I think she will do everything for me to just get stuck in my current work the way she is stuck there.
Can anyone be that evil? To hinder the fulfillment of someone’s dream? I have 3 kids, this job will help a lot.
I know god will not allow her meanness to prevail, right? God wont let her jeopardize His plans for me, right? I ask forgiveness from god for doubting. I just cant help but worry coz i am sooo near to that dream, soooo near already, and it is just her who stands in my way…
This brat boss that you speak of is a mere mortal compared to God.
Wow Jennifer I can so relate to what you wrote. I am working on this process with God and yes the Word is powerful it is GOD. When we take in into ourselve He gets into us. I do have trouble in this heartless world where many are evil and ruthless. We have to live here and it rubs off onto us. So, the answer is to stay in the Word and believe with your heart and it will transform you.
Hannah — My natural tendency is to not act when I’m stressed and overwhelmed also, but I find that when I push myself to go ahead and do what needs to be done, even though my feet are moving like cement blocks, I feel so much better and my mind doesn’t have to think about any more. And remember to keep praying God’s will for your school path too… He opens the right doors!
Tom and Linda — Thank you for dropping by! God’s word brings me the peace I need even my hardest battles… glad you feel the same 🙂
Megan that’s awesome to read you are trusting in your faith more and more over the tormenting thoughts and feelings! Praying for you!
Jeff — Thanks for your update; we will keep you in our prayers and post your request on the GoingByFaith facebook page. Battling anxiety and worry in faith means holding on to the truth, over and over again however long the battle lasts.
Andrea — I totally understand you. Whenever I feel like my nerves could take over a good time (a birthday party, etc.) I focus on the verse Isaiah 44:8 “Do not tremble, do not be afraid. Did I not proclaim this and foretell it long ago? You are my witnesses. Is there any God besides me? No, there is no other Rock; I know not Do not tremble, do not be afraid. Did I not proclaim this and foretell it long ago? You are my witnesses. Is there any God besides me? No, there is no other Rock; I know not one.” He is bigger. He is greater. He has the power to save.
Thanks for sharing this truth. And I do agree if you choose to keep going and do what must be done, that feeling of anxiety will go away. You just need to put away those negative thoughts out of your mind. Also believing that things will go better, it will, for the Lord desires us to triumph over fear. Because trusting Him will push us with courage and faith to make it.
[Thank You God for this day!]
I really enjoyed reading and reflecting on this article. I have found strength and determination from this read. Thank you for presenting. God Bless
Thanks a lot Jennifer for sharing this….truly came at the right time when I needed it. You had written this in the year 2011 and I am reading this in 2013, wonderful how God uses his people from the corners of the earth to be a blessing to one another. Please do keep me in your prayers as I go through a situation which i wont define as a ugly(but it is really good that you did, as it connected very well to me) but as an opportunity of increasing my faith….
What a blessing. As I revisit these comments 3 years later, I’m struck by how you see struggling with anxiety as an opportunity to increase faith. This is wonderful and an encouragement to me because that is how I see it today. It is an opportunity to turn to God in suffering. Thanks for this 🙂
Thanks for this. I am struggling daily with fear and anxiety and most of the time I don’t know what has triggered it. I wake up with nausea,have bouts of extreme hunger or nausea and feel panicky. I am trying to trust in God – spending time daily listening and singing to worship music, praying, sharing encouragement to others on facebook. I don’t know what to do. I know and believe God will deliver me I am just really weary and broken and don’t know how much longer I can endure. Something within me keeps pushing me not to give up – I will declare victory in Jesus name!
You are right to never give up! I can relate to what you wrote and felt that way many times myself. When we’re feeling afflicted with anxieties, we can turn to God in our suffering and meet him there. I love this quote from C.S. Lewis:
“Some people feel guilty about their anxieties and regard them as a defect of faith. I don’t agree at all. They are afflictions, not sins. Like all afflictions, they are, if we can so take them, our share in the Passion of Christ.”
Please pray for me and my grandson… we are in a custody battle to keep him being around an un-safe enviroment. God has told me that I will have a praise report. I’m a new christian and am trying so hard to pray and have faith like I should… But, the fear and worry of not know what will happen next or what to expect is a battle for me. Please pray.. Heavy Heart, Renee
Thanks Renee…that kind of worry is totally understandable. I’m sorry I didn’t have a chance to respond when you wrote this (I had paused blogging at the time). I am praying for you even tonight and also wondering why tonight and not three years ago. I’m hopeful there’s a reason I saw this now, to pray for you and your grandson today, and that all is going well. God bless you.
I am so glad to read this. I am praying so hard for my son right now, and for him to have peace and resolution to a very serious situation that will allow him to grow and move beyond his circumstances. I pray that the lessons he’s already learned are his darkest hour and that he does not have to be further tested. I fear and worry about what battles might be ahead of him, and of us as a family. I am asking that you please pray for us – mostly for him. Please also pray for the other family connected to his problems. May we all find grace and peace very soon, and may we all be able to move forward without the fear of the unknown and this horrible problem hanging over us. Please pray that I can find peace and meaning in this soon. Carrying an extremely heavy heart.
This gives me a heavy heart to read, and without knowing the details, God does. I hope things are better today, and I’m still praying.
I came to this sight because although I’m a Christian im super stressed and I don’t want to be. My mom was diagnosed with cancer and at first I was good stayed in prayer and felt peace, but recently I have negative thoughts and tons of anxiety. I know God has everything under his control but I just want to feel it. If anyone read this please say a prayer for my mom so that she gets through this. GOD bless.
Thank you for reaching out Ramon. Still praying. God bless you and your mom.
I love the verses about trusting God n have faith on him every day . When i have problems God is there like a best friend n cleaning my tears with his precious hand i love these incredible God that he doesnt live me. LOVE U GOD!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you so much for the encouraging words. Just 10′ ago I fell into a panic mode, totally scared after hearing the news that my application to transfer my study from Communication to Psychology has been rejected. I have changed my major so many times and this time I really feel it’s right for me but turns out the application was not successful. However, my Uni agreed to try one more time so that’s a good news. I felt really lost and confused just now but thank God for His words in this time of troubles. Im praying and trying to get all negative thoughts out of my mind to trust that God is in control and He will turn the situation around. It’s amazing how God guided me to go on google and come across your post. Thank you so much. God bless you.
Thank you for reaching out Janessa… and God bless YOU! 🙂
Here is something hopeful, Im remembering back to when I was in early school, 6 or 5, when I brought a favourite toy from my house to show and tell. A little green glow-in-the dark dragon that me, my sister and parents had lovingly dubbed “Duddly the Dragon”, after the tv show. As I made my way on to the bus that afternoon after school I found that I had lost the poor toy somewhere at school and it was not on my person, neither in my book bag nor in any pocket I had. I was deeply despaired, me and my sister loved that toy and it would be sorely missed.
Ive always had a deep sadness whenever witness to loss in potential, and I was over come with grief inside. While boarding the bus, I thought hard about how the situation could be solved. My Dad had always told me that praying to God whenever I felt any kind of stress and asking Him to take on my burden would surely have me saved, so I did just that. I thought about it and took it a step further. I said a short prayer in my head that God have Dudley found and brought back to me and my family, knowing that even if Dudley were not found, I would still be protected from the despair. I then committed to praying the Lord’s Prayer for the whole bus ride home, over and over again in my head. I truly tried to honor Our Father in my words, I tried not to think about Dudley.
I got home and began to tell my Mom about my day while getting situated in the house. I got to the part where I lost Dudley, and there was brief panic, but as I turned around my Mom was saying, “what are you talking about? Dudley is right over there” and there he was, lying on the ground in the middle of the living room. Thanks be to God.
I thought to myself, I’m sure if I told any adults they wouldn’t believe, so I kept it to myself, and to this day I am convinced that God saw the innocence in me and made it so Dudley got home with me some how, so that my faith could be forever renewed by this moment. I know this may sound silly, but now, as an adult I still can remember, and feel a lot of stress go away.
I hope this story can help everyone who reads it, I have told it from the heart.
May God bless you all and save you from all anxiety. Amen.
Awww, such a sweet story! Thank you for sharing that Geoff, and may God bless you.
“But Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.'” (Matt 19:14)
Thank you for this promises. Really needed it at the moment. My family lost our mother three years ago. Dad is recently planning to remarry and us kids are so filled with fear and anxiety of the future and what it holds. We are claiming these promises and committing the unknown future to a God who is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow and allowing Him to take control of what comes our way.
God is good i believe that. thank you very much this helped i trust in the lord and i know he will grant me great things because our god is a god of wonders . Anxiety will not take control of my life for the lord is with me and he will lead me to greater things. may god bless you for everything on your website was helpful!
I was sitting aat home talking to myself till I googled for reaadings on how to overcome confusion stress and anxiety and came across this page… Praise th Lord.
Throughout my life there has beesn a lot of turmoil. I grew p in a happy home for a while and had all I desired even my siblings were jealous at times as was I of them also. When I was only 8 that’s whaen all went crazy. My dad left us. I remember that day. For some reason I didint go to school and my dad insisted I stay. If I didn’t feel well.
He waited for everyone to leave. I went into the main bedroom where I found him packinng a suitcase. He asked me to help and I remeber handing him his sweater it was my favourite it was an aramis white sweater. I said ‘here dad just incase it gets cold’ . He told me he was going away for a while and he would be back soon and told me he would always be intouch. I watched my dad leave that day with all hope he wold be back soon.
Days went by months and years… A lot was going wrong things I never could never understand as a child. Our furniture would get repossesed and we had to move houses a lot. I remeber my mum had to sell her car and we had to use public transport, there was six of us each still in school till this day I don’t know how my mother managed it all..
My dad had moved to south africa he woukd call from time to time and we even visited he would tell us all was ok and nake it seem as though my mum was in the wrong as I never understood why she was always angry…
I went through high school with a few embaressing moments where I’d be pulled out of classes cause my mum didn’t pay the fees, I would be mad at my mum.. Ooh I got into all sorts of trouble and my could bearly keep up with us! Our 1st born fell pregnant and moved out to stay with her then boyfriend she said it was to get away from it all. It was tough even the teachers asked how many houses we have with the cahnge of address every other month..
I was sixteen just finished my exams and found out – was pregnant. The guy I thought loved me told me to go to hell. My mother embraced me and let me stay she said she couldn’t think of anything better. I have a beautiful baby girl she’s 13 now. Through all that time it all made sense. My mum was left with us and my dad had left her with a lot of debt and the time my dad was arrested when we wre kids was cause of fraudulent stuff. Which explained all the lavish stuff we used to get. It was hard on my mum people would talk and gossip but she kept moving.
God is real he is there and the reason I say this is because there were times the most hardest and difficult but he saw us through.
When my angel was 3 I met the most amazing man who embraced me and my flaws we were together for 5 years and we broke up coz of distance he had to go back overseas but he still helps where he can as he loves my kid as his own despite our diufferences…
Now at 30 am in south africa with a valid permit have a job that I do not like. Have applied to so many other places and been rejected. My daughter goes to high school next year and what I earn is bearly enough. I thank God still everyday He watches over all of us and always makes a way. – believe the Lord will show me the path that he will guide me and give me what I ask. Delay is not denial and patience and faith will work.. I often ask how ,when why… I suffer from stress andd anxiety my blood pressure is so high at times I can’t keep going but the Lord keeps me moving. I’m on treatment for it and ask God everyday to bless us all…
My mum was recently retenched and she is the one who looks after my daughter. It just got worse and the anxiety and stres sucked me in even more. She tells me not to worry and tells me whwen in doubt pray… She drops my daughter off at scool and picks her up. I send all I can from time to time.
I could write a whole book about my life which I dubbed from riches to rags.. God put me here for a purpose and I believe he will never put me through something I can’t handle… The best is yet to come! And after reading this I can truly say our Saviour will deliver us and redeem us…! I know its a long story but I have a lot more to share.
But thank you for all the readings and I will continue praying for truth strength annd favor. I am not the every sunday church goer but I trully believe in our 4avoiur and Creator…
Friends I thought were true turned on me. At times I feel like packing up and giving up. But I know God has a paln for me. He will show me success. He has brought me this far and the journey continues…
Pray for me as I wiull for you and may the Lord continue to showr us all with blessings and show us favour…
Amen and thank you for sharing that! We pray for one another and encourage each other. We all have such different stories, but one God that is the same in our hearts. God bless you
I sent this to my email. I have terrible anxiety about being somewhere unfamiliar; like being lost alone. Traveling tests my boundaries to the point of physical illness. I have the opportunity to fly across the US for a work related conference and I am horrified to go. I hate flying and I hate new places and crowds of people and..and…and…. I found this article full of inspiration. I am going to need a lot of inspiration to go on this trip and to keep me healthy before and during the days gone. I need God to hear me 24/7. I will be taking up a lot of prayer bandwidth from now until the end of November.
I hope everything turned out wonderfully for you Laura. The hardest and darkest hours are the best for prayer. Not on a superficial level, but on a very needy, clinging, and desperate level. Because when we are weak He is strong, and it is His strength that gets us through another day. God bless you!
First, I’m praying for each and every one of you. If you read this and if any of the comments here touch you as they have me, please pray for our brothers and sisters! Please pray that God will strengthen their walk and faith in Him so that they can see fear for what it is… and not for what it tries to make us believe. We believe in God!
We are all tempted, and even today, over 2 years after writing this post, there are temptations to feel anxiety. But I know God’s word, and if a fear is tempting me to believe it, I look to God’s word… what does Bible say about it? What did Jesus teach us about it? The Lord dispels fears quickly!
In an earlier comment, #Sandip wrote that he sees battling anxiety as an opportunity to increase his faith — that is awesome!! I have thought about that so many times since reading his comment back in April. When we trust in God over the fear –over and over again — we rely on faith alone, and He is right there with us, giving us the spiritual strength and courage we need to walk through the fire. Only with His Spirit do we walk through the fire and not get consumed. Thank you Lord.
Thank you so very much for sharing your story. Since I turned 40, I have been having panic and anxiety problems I searched google and came across your page. It has been a comfort to me throught the word and I thank Jesus for it. I am praying for God to increase my faith and trust in Him. I know without a doubt that he will [I am thanking him in advance) . I refuse to be bound with this. So please everyone keep me in your prayer. If anyone know of a group that I could join in with that share word of encouragement through the word and group discussion please let me know. Thank you
Thanks so much for all the inspiring words and verses I can read for myself to overcome fear and anxiety. Every time I have such panic attacks I am sure to put all at Gods feet in faith and trust. Amen
Faith really is the key. I’m 17 years old and I’m going through a lot of anxiety and fear lately. Most of which are totally irrational, since I am deeply blessed with a wonderful family, friends, and am stable in life and in school. Basically my fear is dying, I was diagnosed with Mitral Valve Prolapse (Which is very common and is not life-threatening) I was assured by my Docs that I have absolutely nothing to worry about because it’s really trivial but I seem to fuss about it a lot which got me really anxious. But through out this journey, I learned one thing and that is to KEEP THE FAITH. We just have to keep trusting and hoping, because without trust and hope their is no faith. God will never give us something we cannot handle and a brighter day will come… Soon. I’m just really thankful that through this trial i learned how to ask, seek, and knock. He is not selfish, he is a generous, loving, and merciful father so let us all call on him to help us. I do not have the strongest faith and I do admit I still worry a lot but I’m getting there. As having a deep relationship with god is a long process of submitting your self to him.
Im going through.panic attacks,like every day minute after minute please send me a prayer to release this off of me my doctor told me that I have too much stress and tenison on me I pray everynite for god to take it away from me and I believe that he will could some one please send me a prayer? thank you and god bless and keep you always!
Im going through panic attacks, that it makes my chest hurts, my doctor told me to go for walks, but I dont, I rather stay indoors and pray from sun up till sun down I knowap that god will answer my prayer in all good time but in the mean time I would love to recieve a prayer to pray this worry off of me
A great website. I am a highly performing person who is constantly worried about things in the future ie what will happen if this happens or that. I feel I have been living a lie most of my life as I have hidden this internal insecurity. The problem is that I am getting worse and I am worried about my relationships with loved ones as I am not coping.
I came to the sight looking for words of encouragement. I’m saved… But I am stressed. I blew the whistle about negative practices at the VA that placed Vets in harm… but now my section chief 5 months later has recommended me for termination. I am the only provider in my home (3kids w/ a husband on dialysis who’s disabled). I need help in trusting God. Your post have given my hope through The Word of God. Thank you
Please pray for my marriage. It is being tested to the point of a possible separation. We are both believers but my spouse has many past issues that are destroying him. I ask that God gives him peace and takes away the anger. If God can lead my husband to have council with our pastor that would be a miracle. I am putting all of my anxiety and worry on our Savior. Also please pray that I become the wife God intends me to be. Thank you for these inspirational verses and messages.
I accepted god in my church became official member but I felt nervous is that a bad thing my pastor notice and ask me if I was nervous I said yes alittle
Keeep on working, great job!
I came across this site in search of help in dealing with anxiety. I have dealt with anxiety and self doubt all of my life. I was sexually abused by an uncle when I was 6 and as a result it affected my self esteem. I never told anyone about the abuse until recently I was able to open up to a counselor. I now realize that because of the abuse, it scarred me for life and I have always blamed myself for this happening. I also felt like damaged goods, that I wasn’t good enough nor was I enough. I always strived to excel in all I did in order to compensate for my insecurities. No matter how well I did, in my eyes, it was never enough. I could get 100%on a test, but I would not be able to enjoy it because I would tell myself that it was luck that I got that grade. I am now a successful businessman, however I still am unable to be satisfied with my accomplishments because I feel so insecure. I still try to excel and also please people, to the point that it is getting me into financial difficulty. I have a hard time saying no to family and friends. I’m struggling with things, at times I feel that my family would be better off without me. Fortunately that doesn’t happen that often. I worry all the time, no matter what happens, if something good happens, I worry that it won’t last and something bad is just around the corner. I read spiritual and self help books and copy verses from them as well as from the Bible and recite them when I an stressed and in a panic. It just seems to give short term comfort. I want to be at peace and stress free. I’m such a control freak that I don’t know how to relax. Please pray for me.
I would encourage all who suffer from fear and anxiety to fast and pray. I had a horrible past with this. I was on medication, suicidal, in panic, would always call in to work etc. But then I began to fast and pray. God will give you so much revelation into your life and what is the root of your fears/worries. I had a big problem with thinking and believing based on how I felt…BIG MISTAKE. We must fight the spirit of fear with the Word of God. We must follow our Lord Yahushua and quote scripture. It is not easy and sometimes the emotions come back and brings back those bad memories but I do what a good friend of mine suggested. I repent of allowing those emotions of fear and worry and the thoughts to rule me and I ask the Lord to heal and restore those moments of my past. It is battle but we shall be victorious brothers and sisters. Our King has already defeated this at the cross. When those emotions/temptations come stay focused on God and know that they are lies because no fear comes from God…but the devil who is a liar and the father of all lies. During my fasting I was taught this truth that all unclean emotions are lies and if we feed into them they can influence us to sin and make unwise choices. If it is not of God dear brothers and sisters DO NOT let it control you and don’t follow it. This is how the enemy builds up strongholds against us. Fear and worry is very evil and is a common tactic the enemy uses against us to decieve us, steal from us, and kill us. Put on your spiritual armor everyday and pray and stand. It works! I am far from perfect and everyday is a fight, but it is a glorious fight and we already have the victory! Just think guys, that fear and worry that is tormenting you, you have power and victory over it through our Lord Yahushua. This something we must walk in and not be intimidated by the enemy. The enemy and all that is associated with it is already defeated. I just felt the need to encourage and share these words with you all as I know where you guys are coming from.
I recieved a very helpful picture and I pray it will help you guys like it has helped me. In the picture there I was standing in a room full of light and majesty, but right in front of me there was a red light flashing in my face. The red light represented fear/thoughts/negative emotions. The red light was flashing in my face trying to make it the focus and make me dwell on it. Many times in my life I would sadly. But all around me there was God’s Holy presence. He was always there with me. The red light of anxiety may be flashing in your face right now vying for your attention and trying to make itself seem so big, but our God is bigger and is always with us no matter what it seems or how we feel. What will you follow? The red light or Almighty God? It is not easy but with God all things are possible. So when anxiety and fear comes try your very best to stay focused on God and know that He is with you. The emotions lie of course and make us feel so hopeless/lonely/confused, etc. But know brothers and sisters that God is not the author of confusion and fear is not from God and we are instructed to fear not and be anxious for nothing. If it not from God it is the enemy are we should not entertain it. It is tormenting and horrible and it hurts God to see us suffer like that, especially when we as His children through Yahushua have the authority over these things and He is God Almighty. This among many others is what I was taught during my fasting, in response to my particular struggles and issues. If fear and anxiety is ruling you please fast!!!
God bless you all!
If any of you brothers and sisters are in need of more encouragement and help I would love to help in any way. The Lord has helped me in this fight and still is and I want to help His beloveds going through this as well. My email is Feel free to contact me.
Please pray for me…..
I thank God for coming across this website. Yesterday as I was checking my faith where anxiety leads me to sin, I stumbled upon the verses stated here. I just had one of the biggest battles in my life. I recently took the stateboard exam but even if I knew I did well on the exam, worries still haunt me because this is not the first time I took it. I took it a few months ago but I didn’t pass then I took it again a few weeks ago. I quit my good-paying job and devoted my time reviewing and there comes a time that I don’t eat because I don’t have money in my pocket to buy groceries. My family can’t support me because I was supporting them.
Bills piled up and I was in a verge of losing our house and a car. Only my good boyfriend helped me get through everything. He told me not to worry and just keep paced on my review so when I take the exam again, I’ll have a clearer mind. I prayed so hard each day and night. I went to church every Friday as my devotion. I cry day and night because this is what I wanted yet it feels like it’s very hard for me to get it. This is the only way I can be licensed and get a more lucrative job and start paying back my bills, mortgage and car notes.
God knows how deep the hole was drilled in me but instead of turning back at Him I faced him more and asked for his guidance. During those days of stress, I got a big fight with my sister too and she almost wanted to disown me because we said each other bad words and my mom was confined at the hospital due to stress and food poisoning. I just stayed at my room the whole day and night contemplating on what had happened and what to do next. I was really tired. Panic attacks and anxieties got me over again so I opened my computer and search for some good thoughts to read and I came across this website, everyone of you here sharing your own agony made me realize that all points to one thing, believing in God and not lean on your own understanding. I never knew what it meant before, but now I understand.
Just before this writing, I opened the licensure website and found myself passed my stateboard exam! I cried and hurriedly went to my sister’s room and told her the news. We were both crying, reconciled and forgave each other. God really works in mysterious ways. But I asked myself, had I not passed, will I still reconcile with my sister and face all my problems? I answered, yes, because that is what God wants me to do. Starting today, no more worries and less anxieties but more on God. I will leave all of you with my life verse “From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee; when my heart is overwhelmed, lead me to the rock that is higher than I.” Psalms 61:2
Pray for my son his is studying in Germany any is scare and worry about his study. I believe the power of prayers. Amen. Thank pray he pass all the exam and get his degree. Amen
I will include all of you in my prayers. I am asking for prayers too. I want to overcome my anxiety just like you all do. Let’s all pray for each other that God will help us surpass all of these. He’s the only one we can really hold on to. I pray that all of us and those that needs healing be healed in Jesus’ name, Amen
This article has blessed me so much and I am still proclaiming God’s promises upon my life as a I carry on. Anxiety is not an easy battle for me, but just reading this article has set a release in my mind and spirit and I can say now is thank you dear Jesus.
Hey! Someone in my Facebook group shared this website
with uus so I came to take a look. I’m definitely enjoying the information. I’m book-marking and
will be tweeting this to my followers! Terrific blog annd brilliant sgyle and design.
That was very helpful. Thank you!
Healing request for my sister,that may she accept and let God control everthing…and also for quick recovery of my daughter…for peace in the family…and for unity…and let the Lord God be the center of our family..may we trust, and let God control of everything..thank you! God bless!
I am very blessed reading this…it helps a lot..God bless you guys and continue praising and serving God by this..
Please pray for me. I struggle with this so much. I was in the place where I had some much confidence in the word & I knew I could rely on it & I knew who I was in Christ. But I turned away from the Lord. It’s a long story but I’ve been trying to come back to the Lord for a long time but it’s like trying to find that place of trust, belief & assurance in him again is so hard. When I try to stand on the word, it’s like enemy keeps on playing havoc with my mind, thoughts of the word used to work but it won’t work anymore because of how I’ve lived. Thoughts of torment keep going through my mind. I just can’t seem to reconnect completely, because of these doubts in my mind.
Hi I’m Mich from Philippines. First of all i would like to thank God for everything. I’m having panic attack. It was started last Dec 2014 and until now i’m facing and and trying to fight it. I know God is always at my side. All i want is to feel it and appreciate it. Please help me to pray. By the way,reading this article made me feel Good. Thank you. God bless you always.
When i in the review center preparing for my engineering licensure i pray so hard and begging the Lord to help me pass the exam even i have too much sort of anxieties i manage to pass the exam at one take only…
A blessed afternoon! So a few minutes ago, I was about to get my yearly vaccine, and whenever I look back at those days, I would always remember the horror of the pain (even if my siblings whoa re younger than me couldn’t) and the humiliation of being laughed at by other doctors, because last year I was 12, and I still cried (most of the reason is because my late father and pastor used to hug me whenever I took my vaccine). But the difference between last year and is year is that now I depended on God. I know, it might seem silly because it’s just a measly injection, but I was still afraid. I looked for extra reference in the internet, and I just happened to check on this website. It was no accident, because my trust on God grew stronger. Yes, I did trust on God before I went here, but thanks to you, servants of Christ, I gave all my worries to Him. And just before I was about to get shot, I asked if I could sing a song from Hillsong. Yet again, the nurse beside me snickered silently, but I could still hear it. After I sang three words from the song which was “I love you”, the doctor, to my surprise, said it was finished. I was so surprised, because I barely felt anything. Almost 13 years I have took vaccine, and I remembered 9 of those visits, and have always knew that it was beyond my pain tolerance. Instead of crying because it was painful, I cried tears of joy. How great and wonderful is the Lord! May God bless you all the days of your life.
I am full of stress and want to give up,i am out of control and i admit that i almost forgot god in my life,i dont feel god with my heart anymore..;(
Amazing!! Thank you so much this really helped me I’ve been going threw some horrible anxiety lately, and just reading this helped me remembered that God is in control and that I need to be trusting him daily
I have benefitted greatly from your words above (Overcoming Anxiety).
What is the name of your website?- I imagine it contains several equally helpful
I enjoyed reading this article. I have struggled with anxiety for quite some time now. I have prayed everyday for God to take this away from me but sometimes like your article says he doesn’t always deliver. Maybe because I need to have more faith and trust in him (Completely). I do Love and Thank God every day for bringing me where I am today I know he has made my load lighter and lighter everyday I am better than I was 6 months ago.(Thanks God) I hope anyone ready this article does exactly that and follows God and Trust in him because he does care for us all. Thank You for this article I have printed it and will keep it with me daily to read and reflect upon it. I feel God lead me here for a reason.(He Loves Me) Thanks God!!!
When I was threatened by people, God saved me and brought me out to a safer place, just as He saved the Israelites in Egypt from cruel Pharaoh. The passover story. My faith is so strong. God gave me my life. I am guided daily by my spirit. Jesus the Lord is why I am living a better life today. I used to be anxious, but with prayer and God’s help I am on the road that He has planned for me. God never forsakes. He has been near mesince day one. Bless you all.
My husband passed after 46yrs. My son and his family live with me. The two girls are 12, 14. They see how much their mother does not help. She has issues with drinking. I worry about the bills the house payment I’m like a maid in my home. I keep praying to God for help but I feel as though there is now way out. It’s a dysfunctional family, seeing her not help my son and I do everthing. I’m so lost because my husband kept her in line. There is so much anxiety in me I’m just lost!!!!!
Thxs For the encouragement, could I get some more pls.
THX, for the encouragement ‘THE LORD’ is great an Powerful abide in my life today, and let your will be done. FATHER in heaven I seek THEE to heal my heart my soul and mind let me humble at YOUR feet. let me be YOUR child I need of everyday as my sunshine and moonlight , YOU are my beginning and pray YOU are my end let me hold on to YOUR hand PLS don’t se me loose because without you I’m a leaf toss to any wind. FATHER ALMIGHTY keep me save in YOUR arms.
it’s just me saying thxs for those encouraging scripture ,i suffer from anxiety and was of much help to me thx for being one of GODS helper to us. we all believe in GODS but when we ask about faithfully and blindfold we linger to accept the truth, GODS knows us But do we know HIM, how strong is his power and love HE has for us, HE watch over us when sleeping HE has our beginning and our end, HE could move the winds and storm move them wherever HE wants, so does HE move the hurt in our lives. GOD , bless you your Family and all the people like you that help others to realize that without GOD in our lives we wouldn’t have JESUS and He wouldn’t die for for us sinners and GOD send us a gift .a gift
of the HOLY SPIRIT< to keep us close to the FATHER AND SON.
today is a new day, I’m feeling better thank YOU Dear LORD for sparing me one more day, thank YOU for letting me see my . my whole family was with me, praise the LORD. thank you FATHER, for the love and patience you have for us .for even giving up YOUR only son to die for our sins, and kind enough YOU gave us a gift, a gift of the HOLY SPIRIT. do you think we deserve it? should we look into our life and check how many times we be waiting to HIS call. but when we need we call on HIM 24/7/365 and He will be there for us. is it hard for us to do HIS will
Thank you for this article, it has really helped me to have faith in God so much because looking at my situation, I can’t see the way out. Am a single mom who Jobless and am HIV positive and to top it all I live in a foreign country. The people that am staying with have given me 15 days to move out or go back home to malawi. My worry is: if I move out how do I pay rent and feed myself when iam not working and if I go home, how can I just go without any money, where do I start when get there. Stress is killing me but I can’t die now because my child is only 3 yrs. I really need to know that God will be merciful enough to rescue me from this situation. I pray everyday and nite but nothing seem to change, am losing hope and I feel that am beyond help.
I am new to this and I have been going through so many trials and very serious tribulations, ever since. Have returned to church things have been harder . I am thankful for the troubles the Lord has given me but yet my faith is back and forth. I know the Lord has an awesome plan for me and my family and I am so excited to see where he takes us.
This page has encouraged me and was really on topic with me, thank you for this page. Broke me at the end and tears fell I really need to except my faults and forgive myself through God and our Lord Jesus Christ!
Ooooow!!!! I’ve been so encouraged by the word of God, precisely “BE STRONG AND COURAGEOUS”! I received this word as an obligation from the Lord which I will gladly adhere to.
One of the best articles ever on trusting God completely!
Oh God thankyou for loving me unconditionally!! You are truu amazing, I was suffering anxiety this past few days, fearing to something unknown, most likely to death- I am raised as a Christian I have a Christian family, but since I entered college i became lukewarm. I know its terrifying. But the Lord keep on guiding me and loving me unconditionally!! God, Lord you are truly amazing!! Thankyou for letting me know you even more, thankyou for calling me again, this time, I will listen to you, I will. thankyou Lord!!
My daughter’s found this for me. I’ve l with fear.anxiety and stress most of my life this is a blessing. And to know. I. Not alone..and their is hope. Thank u. For shari g your wisdom to us.
Yes , have been anxious about my exams results coming out today at 20:00GMT. But the spirit has led me to this site and ministered unto the message above , i know have True Peace,True courage and True Love from God.. I have excelled and am the winner, Am the head on top of my class. Thank you Jesus. May your name be lifted higher.I surrender all my life to you.
Please pray for my husband…he’s going in this situtuation as of now…sleepiness nights ,worries bothering him.I felt pitty for him..We prayed together and we kiow that God hears our prayer.
I had been having some discomfort in my legs. There has been so many people around me that has been dying from DVT that the fear of that has been trying to torment me. When I woke up this morning my body was feeling weird. I got out of bed and went to the rest room. while in there I started to get that feeling. My heart started to race, my hands and legs begin to shake, I begin to struggle with breathing, and I felt faint. I stood up and began to say” The Blood of Jesus” and the more I said it the feeling began to fade away and eventually it was gone. I thank God for hearing my prayers, and for Jesus giving his life. Thank you Jesus
This article helped me feel so grounded. I’ve been dealing with horrible, irrational anxiety but God, medication, and counseling is really helping me. Everyday I’m getting better but still I let my mind wander and I fall right back into these hallow, meaningless thoughts. I will definitely be referring to this article whenever I feel overwhelmed. Thank you and God bless!
hallo everyone
Iam a young lady suffering from driving phobia .I started driving in 2008 and never had any problems .In November 2014 , I started having this fear of driving and it got worse and turned into a phobia .Today iam no longer driving at all because of fear .This article has given me hope and courage to start all over again .I feel this article is directed to me and I want God to intervene in my situation so that I can have my career and happiness back .In God I Trust and iam going to fight this phobia .Thank you
Beautiful feet, spreading the gospel. Thanks for the encouragement.
Hey I just want to thank you for this, I’m going into eighth grade at a new school and I worry about. I have sleepless nights, and I feel like I’m the only one that worries. But seeing other people struggle with this helps. I will be praying for all of you. Remember God is in control, pray hole heartedly. And anytime a worry comes in your head call on the name of JESUS.
Jenna, I totally understand! Seventh and eighth grade were the years I first started experiencing anxiety. I had no idea anyone ever had to deal with it. Turns out so many people struggle with anxiety, and praise the Lord you can turn to Him for peace. Thank you so much for praying for the other readers, and please know that I am praying for you.
I have put every penny and even some I have borrowed in to something that I believe God gave me to do but at the tail end of this long journey I am feeling attacked, if you will, by the enemy almost by the minute with fear of dread that the one good thing that’s happened lately that could change everything for me will fall apart and I would literally be homeless. But reading your testimony has done more me than you will ever realize and I truly thank you for your words of encouragement! It’s almost 2 a.m. Now and I cannot sleep from the worry that has consumed me these past days and I’m so thankful that I stumbled on to your site. I think now I can rest in Gods sheltering arms and finally relax enough to sleep and face tomorrow with confidence. I hope that if it truly is Gods will that
my plan succeed that one day I will be able to encourage others as you have me! I hope to meet you in heaven one day and thank you personally for what you have done for me this evening.
Dear Stanley,
You have blessed me equally by reading your comment because you are the reason for this blog. Just like you, I was up until 2 a.m. worrying so much I couldn’t sleep, looking online for anything that could help soothe the fears and anxieties plaguing me. There’s no doubt God will use you to share your story and testimony with others. The enemy is always on the prowl, always looking for ways to attack us in our vulnerability. But just like we’re told in God’s word, when we are weak, God is strong.
“But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.” (2 Corinthians 12:9-11)
We’re brothers and sisters in Christ, and He uses us to help one another along the journey. God bless you, I’ll keep you in prayer that He leads you and guides you each step of the way. Peace of the Lord be with you!
hi to everyone there. I really give thank to god coz of what situation am going through am suffering since last year with problems of gallstones no improvement am down in hospital it only god who know is going to treat I leave every thing in his hands in Jesus name some body out there I need your prayer for me thank lord.
Thanks for your comment and prayer request Sam. I’ll be praying for you, for God’s healing and peace!
jenny thank to day I wake up I was fill with anointed hrt coz Dr refuse to give me treatment but I just give thank to god for what is happening in my life is the one who no when he heal me call me to him.
God bless you! I hope you find relief for what hurts you. Praying for God’s love and healing.
I need prayer. I’m dealing with major anxiety now. I’m scared about a situation at work. Could use prayer.
Thank you
Thanks for reaching out for prayer Richie. Work-related stress can be so hard to deal with. I hope there’s someone you can talk to like HR if someone is causing you discomfort. I’m praying for you, that God will bring you peace in the road ahead.
Vry blessed and encouraged msg thnx for wonderfull msg I am so blessed
Oh good! His word is good medicine for our soul. God bless you 🙂
I having great struggle in my post breakup, it was very heartbroken after a 7 year long relationship. The emotions was devastated. I seek for God’s help to calm my mind but the anxiety keep bouncing back. Especially looking back at those sweet memories and the current photos of my ex it made my heart trembles.
6 months after breakup has past, i have rejoining church and the activities, it calms me a while but not long (i have been a lost sheep to Christianity for more than 7 years). It seems to be very tough to move on. the lost of love has became hatred which scares me out. Especially when in quiet moment, the feeling felt was so terrible. I cannot forgive nor forget what she did to me but couldn’t differentiate what God is trying to tell me especially i easily soft hearten not to accept the truth (i can’t accept the truth she has betrayed me as the evidence is not clear and she deny it). But at some point i accepted it. I’m confused.
I try to reach out for God’s help, for truth, but unsure what kind of spirit whispering to me. The dream I talking to my ex trying to re-patch keeps appear recently. I have not contacted her for the past few months. I know I should move on, but I need God to show me clear direction. I always wonder is moving on is the only answer given by God. How God can affirm me if is yes or no. All I need from God is comfort and direction. I do hope God is here with me to grant me peace. Things surround me are getting worse, lose focus on work and forced to shift out of room due to landlord have last minute occurrence in his family. I wonder is this the test or punishment given by the Lord. I just feeling so drained out now.
It sounds like you have been through so much Lim! Maybe it feels like your emotions have been on a roller coaster. It sounds like you were in a relationship for 7 years and were away from church (or your faith in God?) for those 7 years. There was confusion surrounding your break up, whether she betrayed you or not, and it is still a matter of confusion. I’m sorry 🙁
The first thing that comes to my mind is this: God is not a God of confusion, but a God of peace (like it says in 1 Corinthians 14:33). It’s great to hear that you are back at church because as you seek God, he’ll teach you, show you, even send people your way with words of comfort. Proverbs 3:6 says, “Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.” It sounds like there is big change happening in your life, and as you seek God for guidance, there’s no doubt the devil will try to put you back into confusion. Just keep following what the Lord puts in your heart and mind and on your path. Emotion can be a slippery slope. I’ve certainly been there so many times myself.
And I’ve had dreams like that too! Where you’re trying to make peace with someone that you had a falling out with. I’m not an expert on dreams, but that’s probably coming from the fact that you desire to have peace with your ex. Maybe you’ve forgiven her and wish you could talk again. That’s good and healthy. Have patience, wait on the Lord. He’ll show you the way to go. It may not be in a clear yes or no answer like we like sometimes, but draw near to Him and He’ll draw near to you. There is ONE that will steer you in the right direction and that one is God and God alone. This experience of discovering how to hear His voice above all others will change your life. Hang in there. It’ll all be worth it. God bless you.
I have being anxious my whole life but last week the anxiety I experienced ,I have never experienced before. I went for an interview and during the interview I froze and was only able to answer 4 out of the 6 questions asked ,ever since this occurrence I haven’t been my usual self because everything I do I just keep having this thought in my mind that I totally messed up my chances of being called as one of those that succeeded after the interview. Realizing its the devils craftiness at work I googled for ways to overcome anxiety using Gods Word and I stumbled on this page …and twenty minutes after reading through some of the comments here I just feel a little bit of my confidence return,because I now understand that His grace is all I need to get a good report.. so am expectant ones again about getting the job.. Thanks for sharing this page with us!
I’m so glad the comments helped! This is definitely something many struggle with, and whatever the outcome of this job interview in particular, the important part is that you didn’t let the enemy steal your confidence! Keep walking boldly and courageously!
Hi Jenna, I came across your site. I am at the stage in my life with anxiety and spiritual confusion.
I need support and guidance to draw closer to God.
Hope you get my massage.
Dear Eileen, there are so many roads leading to spiritual confusion (and anxiety), now more than ever! I just had a conversation with some friends about this last night, and one of them reminded me that God is not a God of confusion (1 Corinthians 14:33). If it is any encouragement, please know you are not alone in anxiety and spiritual confusion. When I start to get confused, I turn to the Bible. Romans 10:17 says that faith comes by hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ. I believe fully that when we ask the Lord to guide us, teach us and show Himself in ways we understand that He does. I pray for discernment and peace for you Eileen. There are a number of posts on this blog about anxiety, take a look up at the top navigation or side bar for “anxiety relief.” I pray this helps you and offers you some encouragement. You are in my prayers! ‘
“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” (Matthew 7:7-8)
Thank you for this.
I have been suffering from severe anxiety for the last few years and it has consumed my life. I am trying to Let go and Let God. My anxiety hangs on but I will keep trying to give my anxiety to him.
I need to remember and believe that He is in control.
Please help me with my prayers.
I will pray for everyone.
God Bless You All.
I will keep you in my prayers Margaret… and remember, this is a process of trusting in the Lord over and over again. In my own experience I never experienced a sudden moment where all my fear stopped forever and never returned, but by clinging to the Lord through my fear and worry and anxiety, I found a source of strength and hope. Realizing that God is bigger than my fear helped take some of its power away in my mind and heart. He created us, he promised to never leave us. He sees us in our need and is there… sometimes we can just barely hang on, but when we are weak He is strong. While anxiety can be such a struggle and terror, I now feel it has offered me an opportunity to draw close to the Lord in a special way. Not that He brings on that suffering to us, but we can choose to use that time of suffering in a special way… to draw closer to Him, to read the Bible, to pray. In that I find peace and comfort, just in Him alone. Over time that has even helped me worry and fear less. Hopefully that helps a little… and I also just replied to your comment on Stepping Out on Faith Alone. Cling to the spirit He has give you to overcome, as 2 Timothy 1:7 says, “For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.” Praying for you.
It’s 12:59 am here in India. And I’m can’t Sleep because of anxiety knowing today my Admit card ( for entrance exam ) is going to be released. And all of a sudden my heart dropped and strange thoughts of fear came in my mind. Negative thoughts like what if my form was misplaced or my documents were incomplete etc.
And I don’t get my admit card. But after going through this Bible verses one by one. My heart is at peace knowing that He is in control and if He has taken me this far, He will surely not leave me now.
And I believe everything is going to be alright. IN HIM I Put my Faith.
Thank-you for this post .
“I can look back at some negative situations in my life and see good in them — God was refining me. At the time they felt excruciating, but now I see the error of my ways. When we don’t have God at the center, the world competes for that spot, and that’s when we become deceived.”
This is a quote from what John mentions on the topic of anxiety.
I am dealing with a situation which consumed my whole being. I quickly googled some prayers and as God guides us I ended up on your web page. May God bless you today and always for saving me from this unbearable and like you put it excruciating pain. I digested all these scriptures, and you know, how Awesome is God…the reference to putting God at the centre , moved me to envisaging Jesus standing in the centre of my situation. I stepped out of the centre and immediately felt the relief. Immediately, I found myself back in my comfort zone. All I can say is Praise our God. Praise Him. God bless you for helping me.
Hi .I am Abena. Since I was a teenager around 6th grade i used to like to do what i want and i was especially rude to my mother and it got to a time when i used to argue with her about bathing twice a day like a girl should. She would scream and shout and call my dad and all that but i still was the same. I was a very shy person back then and so when i realized that i had i always had this unpleasant scent around me even after bathing i didn’t really talk to anyone about it. I tried to deal with it by myself trying to shower mire and all but i guess the harm had already been done. I went through junior high high with it. Senior high was very painful. I never spoke in class because of embarrassment i was however a good student made parents proud always even though i was hurting inside. Eventually went to sit all the way at the back of class to have a peace of mind. I hurt my eyes from straining in the process. All my efforts to become more confident were wasted cause after joining the debaters club for a while i quit. I couldn’t stand to be around i wanted to be alone all the time. So hated church , family gatherings school gatherings anything that had to do with socializing. And i am now in college doing one of the difficult courses that need discussions, presence in class but i find myself sulking somewhere crying and wishing i did it all different. In high school I used to pray , ask for healing and confidence and what not but i guess i wasn’t doing it right. I skip class almost always and my grades are very bad as a result cant even show it to my parents. My parents work very hard to pay for tuition and all but i am not able to concentrate anymore. I an very nervous anytime i am about to enter a class. And i don’t even study anymore and I missed a test. It is eating me up. I had these suicidal thoughts at a point but i will and can never do such a thing. I always think of my family first. The pain and disgrace it will cause. I even joke that nobody will come to my funeral. I met an old friend that made me want to let out all this pent up bad energy. Cause she is doing well and all that. She is very confident and very fun and i wished i was that. My self esteem is very little at the moment my dad hates it and know they are disappointed in me. I wished i had talked to someone long ago. And i have no relationship with God. I try to distract myself through other means. I find myself being made fun of. People tease me about adult stuff like relationships among others. And I am turning twenty this year and it hurts to think about it because half of my life is already wasted. I am even scared of turning twenty. I am sorry i wrote so much but this is the first time i have done this. I need help and prayers. I have another exam tomorrow and i cant find the strength to study and i don’t know why. Maybe i am a little stressed and discouraged by my grades now. I need a miracle and healing spiritually and physically.
Dear Jenn, I am going through a very contentious divorce. From the very beginning I reached out to try and end this in a peaceful and amicable manner but she started out with demands. I continued to reach out but she decided she did not want to talk to me at all. After 17 yrs of separation I felt it was time to move on and put closure to this marriage so we can at be at peace. That did not happen. Now I’m filled with anxiety, worry and fear that have taken over. I like harmony in my life and that to has been disrupted. I found this website and started to read it. As I was reading this post, I was reading my life story. I want to thank you for this post and the help it will give me to overcome this storm that has paralyzed my inner peace. Please keep me in prayer that this will be a peaceful ending. Thank you so much!
please, I am also facing this anxiety,, because I get this things stuck in my heart, and it get me scared most time, even when I am alone praying, or alone in a room, I then get scared and my heart began to beat very fast,, it’s really tormenting me,, I can’t stay alone to close my eyes please help me ,,, what do I do ,,I need help please,it leads me to anger easily .
Thank you for this article. It confirmed for me what I have been going through in my new job.
I was out of work for 4 months and felt like I was never going to find a way to pay my bills or pay my landlord what was owed him. I feared being homeless more than anything and it was really doing a toll on me. But the Lord bless me with a job and I was overwhelmed with joy. I wake up every morning and thank the Lord for the blessing. But lately for about the past 2 weeks it’s been as though the enemy is trying to take away my thankfulness and my joy and torment me with the fear of losing my job again. Everyday feels like a new trial, another test, and another day where I fight with all that I have to cling to the spirit of God throughout every minute of the day.
I can testify that God does protect your mind and your heart when you cover yourself with His blood. The blood of Truth, the blood of righteousness, and the blood that brings freedom from all of these things that we experience in the world.
The fear and anxiety that I have been experiencing is rooted in Pride. Because I realize I am fearing what people are thinking of me versus what God thinks of me. God blessed me with a job because he knew that I needed it so why should I be afraid of losing what God blessed me with?
So I have chosen to do the work for the glory of God versus the glory of man. I am not saying that I will not do what is asked of me by my supervisor at work, but that I will do the work with thankful heart and the joy of the Lord to guide me through it. He knows my needs and has provided a way to take care of those needs through the job. And if I put that in the forefront of my thoughts each day, then I will not be overtaken by fear, or worry, or anxiety.
God is good all the time! We just have to trust Him all the time and He will do above and beyond all we can ever imagine!!
Thank you Jesus!
I am a medical student, currently preparing for my entrance exam. I’ve gone through anxiety a lot of times, to those extents of panic attacks where my lungs felt like they’re gonna explode and tears are no more to cry any further. But I am always thankful to God for his mercy and grace. I never deserved it. thanks a lot for the word of encouragement! I will keep trusting God even when I can not see light anywhere in life. God’s plans are so greater than my anxiety. I want to keep choosing God over my problems. and “Without God in control, we are left feeling vulnerable and unprotected. Let Him be the one who grabs hold.”– this is what I am going through every moment. I wanna have faith in JESUS CHRIST who is the light in my darkest times. the one who is in me is so much greater than the one who is in the world. may God bless you! Praise the Lord!