21 Ways to Stay in the Word When You Have a Busy Life, Crazy Workload and Never Ending To-Do List

how to stay in the word dailyWhen God said let there be light, there was light. He simply said the words, and it happened.

His word set planets in motion; His very breath brought a man into being.

The days I begin by putting God first are my best days as a person, wife, mom and friend. I’ve noticed reading the Bible:

And yet I struggle to make reading the Bible a daily routine.

I want to do it and realize the good fruit of it, but… “I’m not a morning person.” “I’m so busy during the day.” “I have to get this other thing done first.”

I’ll plan to read the next day, but that time doesn’t happen. In the meantime, the living words with the power to overcome evil (Luke 10:19), accomplish their purpose (Isaiah 55:11) and provide for all our needs (2 Timothy 3:16-17) sit open and untouched on the kitchen table.

But I want that time with God. I want to know His word. I desire it, and if you’ve read this far, I believe you do too.

It’s time to rededicate ourselves Christians, and that starts with a plan. How will we do it? Where will we find make the time? Because as Jesus said in rebuttal to Satan, “Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.”(Matthew 4:4)

Here are 21 ideas for staying in the word daily. Scroll the list and see what speaks to you.

If Morning Is a Good Time to Get in the Word:

Maybe During the Day is Best:

If Night Time is the Right Time:

There’s no one way to do this. If you’re in a season where you can’t sit down with the Bible daily, do what you can today, this week, this month. Maybe next month will be something different, but for now, you had the courage and grit to start.

Matthew 24:35 says, “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.” Speak to us Lord, we need you.

Have you found an interesting idea for staying in the Word daily to share?

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