The Ultimate Super Power: Prayer

power of prayer christianIf you could have one super power, which one would you choose? And more importantly, who would be the one to grant you this super power?

I always heard about the “power of prayer,” but before finding a life in Christ, I kind of rolled my eyes. It was for people like my grandmom’s friend who had a framed picture of Padre Pio on her living room wall. It was for people who traveled to places like Fatima for religious pilgrimages.

Unable to relate, I searched the world for power. It felt easier to believe what I could see. Faith was still just a word without meaning.

Prayer Power is Real

One night my husband suggested we start a prayer list, pointing out that Jesus said whenever two people come together and agree in prayer, the prayer will be answered in line with God’s will (Matthew 18:19).

We noted all the people we thought could use some “secret” prayer and then, one by one, asked God to show Himself to them, open doors, guide their steps and comfort them. We closed our eyes and took turns talking out loud to God. I felt my whole heart, soul and concentration involved. Time melted away. It was an intense interaction–one in which went far beyond the two of us.

When we finished, we both smiled and hugged. We had tears in our eyes.

And Then the Miracles Began

We saw a prayer answered in a friend’s life the following afternoon. The next day after reading a text message, I looked at my husband and shook my head–another one. It only continued from there in the following weeks and months… people fell in love, friends asked about church, doors opened, breakthrough upon breakthrough was reported, big and small. I couldn’t believe it. I could believe it.

That night was the start of an amazing prayer life we continue to learn more about. It doesn’t have an equivalent in the worldly realm; God works on a supernatural level–one that requires the true meaning of faith.

Whether you pray with another or pray alone, God answers prayers that are from the heart and in line with His will. And unanswered prayers don’t signal an uncaring God–they could prove a bigger blessing. His work takes place in our lives on different schedules and in different ways. His lessons don’t always include life as we see it best, but as He sees it best. His plans are a beautiful and perfect mystery.

The power of prayer is real, and you have access to it right now. Go by faith!

Let me know in the comments below… What’s one amazing way you’ve witnessed the power of prayer?

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