Who Do You Think You Are?

who do you think you areWe want to speak up but feel intimidated by the crowd.

We know it’s time to change direction, but how will we afford to live?

We feel compelled to tell others about life in Christ, to share God’s word, but we don’t have the proper training. We want to make a move, but whenever we think about it, the question confronts us:  “Who do you think you are?”

It’s easy to let the fear of this question shut us down. We want to trust God and move forward with our life, but we remember scenes from the past and suddenly feel less than qualified.

The fear tells us that we will get revealed, and people will point their fingers, “Aha! I knew it.”

God Knows Who We Are

It doesn’t matter who we or other people think we are. It matters who God knows we are.

In fact, He chooses us. He moves our feet where they need to go. He opens our mouth and lets the right words come out at the right time. When we live by faith, we let God lead, and that’s when we start sowing the right seeds. There is no one and nothing bigger than God, and as it says in Romans 8:31 that if God is for us, who can be against us?

God’s message through Paul in the Bible has worked to convict my life and belief in Jesus, but Paul wasn’t always Paul. Originally Saul, he was once a major persecutor of Christians. He was there when the crowd stoned St. Stephen, holding their coats so they could do a proper job. Imagine what it was like for him to turn around and attempt to gain the trust of the same people he once murdered.

In 1 Timothy 1:12-14 he writes, “I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has given me strength to do His work. He considered me trustworthy and appointed me to serve Him, even though I used to blaspheme the name of Christ. In my insolence, I persecuted his people. But God had mercy on me because I did it in ignorance and unbelief.”

Before giving our life fully to God, we too live in ignorance and unbelief. That’s why in no way can our past determine who we are today. Now, with that said, who do you think you are?

We are New Creations

God calls us to be His saints. Just like today, God chose the most unlikely of servants in the Bible, including fugitives (Moses), prostitutes (Rahab), old men (Abraham), young girls (Mary), cowards and more. Can you imagine what it felt like for them to tell others they were called by God? Here’s how I picture it…

“Sure old man. You’re going to confront Pharoah and lead the people out of Egypt.” (Look of pity at Moses)

“You think you were chosen to have God’s son?” (Eyes rolled at Mary)

“That little David thinks he’s going to take down the giant Goliath with a slingshot. He’s only the son of a shepherd.” (Laugh, laugh, laugh)

“This is the same Paul who killed our family members? Are you crazy?” (Face of disgust)

People ask who we think we are, and in our fear, we make up our own story. Don’t listen to it. Follow God’s call. It’s the only way. The naysayers, re-counters of the past, jealous competitors and doubters are not bigger than God.

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