Hearing from God: One Real-Life Example

hearing from GodIf you’ve ever heard people talk about following God or hearing from God and felt confused about what that meant, I can offer one small, real-life, recent example.

So a couple weeks ago my husband and I had a spat. I can’t remember what we argued about, but it felt serious at the time, and the result was me going to bed early and him staying up late to work on the computer.

The standoff began. The rules were clear: Ignore the other. Act like you don’t see the other. And of course, don’t break the silence!

In the bedroom, alone, I felt moved to pray. But how could I pray sincerely with a feeling of strife between us… and in my own heart? I could try to ignore him, but I couldn’t ignore God. I couldn’t pray as if nothing was wrong and then go to sleep.

Following God’s Lead

I prayed about what it means to love him in hard times. Here’s how it went in my heart…

Me to God:
Shouldn’t he be the one to step up and encourage us to reconcile? Shouldn’t he come in and say, “Come on honey, let’s talk” or “Let’s pray together” or even, “Let’s drop it.” Lord, help me to follow my husband in the right way.

God to me:
First, follow me.

Me to God:
But if I go in there first, he’ll think I’m weak and I’m giving in and he’ll just keep acting like this. He should be the first one to put down his pride and come in here. How am I suppose to follow if…

God to me:
Putting down your pride is following me.
Follow me.

I sat there, on pause. It’s a feeling of that’s the truth, so now what? I realized any move that ignored God (for example, going to bed as if I hadn’t heard) would not be good.

So I thanked the Lord for speaking his truth and love into my heart, prayed for courage to outweigh pride, and then went into the living room.

Me to God…
Yes, God. I will follow you.

And you know what? God protected my heart.

I didn’t go in to stir the pot. I went in to tell him I loved him, and even though we were having a rough patch, we’d get through it. And that was it. Over, done, hugs, kisses, happy.

While I can’t say every argument has ended so wonderfully in the past, I can say that God is good, and He points us in the right direction. We just have to follow Him.

What’s something you’ve heard God lead you to do? How did you know it was God?


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