Experiencing hardship in marriage isn’t new, yet every time it arrives at our door, it feels new. It feels difficult, stressful and troubling because the “two that have become one” feel more like two back to being two.
Yet we learn that a house divided cannot stand (Luke 11:17).
Arguing, avoiding, bickering, ignoring, blaming and leaving are the world’s way of working through marital issues. God’s way involves healing the heart, and it happens through love.
How do we get there when we feel miserable? Why would we pray for our marriage?
Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us.”
-1 John 5:14
Pray to Become a Better Spouse
This sounds hard, but it yields good fruit. Read on…
1. Pray for Change
Instead of starting a prayer with “Change him/her,” start off with “Change me.” Wow, feel that? As we open our hearts for the Lord to use us the way He wants, we remember that His plan is the best plan.
2. Pray for Open Eyes
Sometimes we see what we want to see, or we turn a blind eye to what we don’t. When we start seeing with spiritual eyes, we see truth that can’t always be explained in worldly terms. “Then he turned to his disciples and said privately, ‘Blessed are the eyes that see what you see.'” (Luke 10:23)
3. Pray for Ears that Hear
According to Emerson Eggerichs’ book, Love & Respect, during marital conflict a husband most often reacts when feeling disrespected and a wife reacts when feeling unloved. We can pray that we hear what is intended and not fall victim to needless confusion.
4. Pray for Clear Speech
Going along with ears that hear, we can help our spouse understand our true intent when we communicate clearly. While the enemy might revel in confusion, God brings order, especially in matters of the tongue. “The tongue that brings healing is a tree of life, but a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit.” (Proverbs 15:4)
5. Pray for a Gentle Heart
We want to deflect pain, problems and annoyances, but we can end up growing hard as a result. “The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks.” (Luke 6:45).
6. Pray for Patience
Pray for patience instead of returning evil for evil. Instead of letting emotions take over. Instead of getting in that last word. And while we pray to remain patient with one another, we have to learn patience with our marriage. It is a “process” that develops over our entire lives. (More here for Impatient People.) “People with understanding control their anger; a hot temper shows great foolishness” (Proverbs 14:29).
7. Pray for Love
The love we need for our spouse isn’t just erotic love or friendly love — it’s agape love, which means sacrificial, unconditional and selfless love. Without the Lord, we couldn’t understand this love because in our sinful nature, the Bible says, “the heart is more deceitful than all else” (Jer. 17:9). Only with Him can we love when the “feeling” is gone. Here is a powerful online sermon from John Piper called Staying Married is Not About Staying in Love.
8. Pray to Mature in Long-Suffering
We want any kind of suffering to end as quickly as possible, so why pray to be long-suffering? As God works in the hearts of our spouses (and us), change will occur, but it doesn’t always happen over night. “Walk worthy of the calling with which you were called, with all lowliness and gentleness, with long-suffering, bearing with one another in love” (Ephesians 4:1-2).
9. Pray for the Ability to Forgive
Some trespasses are easier to forgive than others, and even the most mellow among us may wind up in situations where certain words, actions or behaviors “cross the line.” But we’re called to forgive the same way we have been forgiven. It’s in the Our Father: “Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who have sinned against us.” It’s in the Bible: “For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you” (Matt 6:14). It’s a beatitude: “Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy” (Matt 5:7). And still there are times when nothing in us will budge. That is when we pray. God will give us that ability by His grace and mercy.
10. Pray for Perseverance
Do you know the number of long-lasting marriages has actually risen? This 2011 Washington Post article cites census data that three in four couples who married after 1990 celebrated a 10-year anniversary–an increase from couples who married in the early ’80s. No doubt these couples have learned to persevere through prayer!
11. Pray for Respect
Wives are told to respect their husbands (Ephesians 5:33), and we’re all called to respect others. “Give everyone what you owe him: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor” (Romans 13:7). For women, part of respecting their husband comes in the form of submission, and husbands must also understand what it means to be spiritual leaders in their home.
12. Pray for the Ability to Honor
Do you honor your spouse? Do you honor your marriage? Hebrews 13:4 says, “Give honor to marriage, and remain faithful to one another in marriage. God will surely judge people who are immoral and those who commit adultery.” By praying for the ability to honor our marriage, God will show us what that truly means.
13. Pray for Courage
Anyone can give up, it’s easy. It frees us from momentary stress, for now. But to stay together when everyone else would understand your marriage falling apart, that takes courage. “For God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but of power and love and discipline” (2 Tim 1:7). And if you haven’t seen the movie Courageous… So Where are You Men of Courage?
14. Pray for Faith
We pray for patience, respect, perseverance and courage, but what is it all worth if we don’t have the faith to believe God delivers? “‘You don’t have enough faith,’ Jesus told them. ‘I tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, “Move from here to there,” and it would move. Nothing would be impossible.'” (Matt 17:20). Go here for more on keeping faith in tough times.
15. Pray for the Mind of Christ
Being human, it’s hard to grasp the mind of Jesus. We don’t fully understand the divine capacity of never-ending and all-powerful love. But here’s a start: Don’t compare yourself with others, compare yourself with Jesus Christ.
16. Pray for a Reinvigorated Attitude
Yes, it’s something to pray for, especially when we don’t think it is our attitude that needs to change. Jesus said to forgive not seven times, but 77 times (Matt 18:21-22).
17. Pray for the Ability to Hold Your Tongue
Saving the best for last on the self-prayer list, I’ve heard over and over and over the miracle of holding your tongue. Ohhh… it’s hard. Such a good one to pray for! “Even a fool is thought wise if he keeps silent, and discerning if he holds his tongue” (Proverbs 17:28).
Pray For Your Spouse
In the book Power of a Praying Wife, Stormie Omartian says that when we pray for another, the hardness in our hearts melts and we begin to move past the hurts. She writes: “It happens because when we pray we enter into the presence of God and He fills us with His Spirit of love.”
18. Pray the Above for Your Spouse
Take a look over the list and pick the ones your spouse could most use your prayerful support. It doesn’t have to be announced in your house; God already knows what areas need to change.
19. Pray for Special Areas of Struggle
Think of everyday challenges your spouse faces. Job stress? Family pressures? Physical pain or illness? Migraines? Whatever it is, pray that these attacks on your spouse end in the name of Jesus Christ.
20. Pray to Break Down Strongholds
These patterns, beliefs or attitudes run deep–so deep that they may seem invisible to your spouse but obvious to you and others. Pray without ceasing for God to break the stronghold of addiction, unhealthy behavior or any sinful attitudes that your spouse is living outwardly or in secret. “For everything that is hidden will eventually be brought into the open, and every secret will be brought to light” (Mark 4:22).
21. Pray for His Walk with God
This one is so important! While God is there with us, we also have free will. Pray your spouse is enabled to walk in the Spirit, not in the flesh. That he or she walks with God when temptations to step off the path grow strong because “narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it” (Matt 7:14).
22. Pray Your Spouse Turns to God
Some of us have Christian spouses, others do not. Either way, we pray that they turn to God for their every need. We will eventually let them down; God will never let them down.
Pray For Your Marriage
You and your spouse became one in marriage. “For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one” (Genesis 2:24). As God works on you in one way and your spouse in another, there is also the “us” of marriage. Beyond praying “Save our marriage,” (which is good to pray!), here are some additional ideas.
23. Pray for Time Together
Date nights are a great idea, especially when you get it right. The New York Times cites research that shows how adding new activities to the usual mix activates the same part of your brain that was ignited when you experienced early romance together. Pray for that time to spend with your partner, and for God to lead you to a new adventure.
24. Pray for God to Transform Your Marriage into a Marriage That Honors Him
In your relationship, is the husband the spiritual leader in your home? Does the wife honor her role as a helper to her husband, or does she contend for headship? Is your family your first ministry? As a personal example, we have prayed this prayer together and have seen miracles happen. I feel like there is an order in our home that would never have existed without God’s guidance.
25. Pray for More/Better Sleep
This might seem obvious, but have you prayed about it? I never thought to before, but it makes a big difference in my day and attitude.
26. Pray for the Holy Spirit to Intercede
Praying together is an amazing thing to do with your spouse, even when times are hard. If you know you need to pray but don’t have the words, let the Holy Spirit intercede for you. “In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express” (Romans 8:26).
27. Pray for Protection Against Spiritual Attack
As you pray for yourself, your spouse and your marriage, don’t be surprised if spiritual attack seems to intensify. Why would the enemy want you to grow closer? Pray for the spiritual armor needed for battle, and for God to step in and offer protection during your weakest moments.
28. Pray for a Marriage that Lasts
“Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything” (James 2-4). I think that covers it completely!
29. Pray to Be On the Same Page
When you know you’re not on the same page and maybe not even in the same book (we’ve experienced this), pray that God breaks down communication barriers and allows you to be on the same page. It makes me think of James 6-8, about how God will grant wisdom to the man who prays for it: “But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That man should not think he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all he does.” A double-minded marriage is also unstable.
30. Pray for Intimacy
Pray that God reignites your passion for one another and brings you closer, physically.
31. Pray to Remove Barriers that Keep You from Feeling Loved
When we bring baggage from the past into our marriage, we can be affected in ways we don’t realize. One of them is not “feeling” loved in the right way. Pray God remove any barriers that keep your spouse from feeling loved. “Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.” -1 John 3:18
32. Pray for Fun
Laughter heals the soul. How much better to laugh with your spouse. Pray for opportunities for fun and laughter with your spouse.
33. Pray God will Use Your Marriage for His Glory
Paul writes in Ephesians 5:25-27, “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless.” He also writes that a wife must respect her husband (v33). A covenant marriage is a model of Christ and the church. We need constant prayer for God’s guidance and protection over our hearts.
34. Pray for Your Involvement with Others
Stay involved with friends and your church body. Stay in the word. Stay active in family events. All the while, pray about these relationships that God will work through them to encourage and support your growth together. Stay committed to your spouse and your marriage, no matter what happens.
As a married couple who just experienced back-to-back babies with little sleep and alone time, we continue to learn how to make our marriage work when everything in us wants to give up. In the face of negative behaviors, bad attitudes and unforgiving hearts, we’re learning how to cry out to God; how to pray the right prayers.
And it’s something we’ll have to keep learning for the rest of our lives together. Thankfully these ways to pray were passed on to us from God’s word in scripture, sermons, Bible studies, members of our church, long-time married friends, talks with our pastor and his wife, Christian books, and … prayer.
May God bless you and your marriage.
Great post! If I had read it when I was going through the same period, it would’ve made my life better. 🙂
I hope you and your family are doing OK. I remember how tough the first 2 years were after my second child was born when my wife and I were both sleep deprived and stressed out. The good news it that it does get easier. My kids are older now, I love being with them, and my marriage is better than it’s been in years.
Hang in there. I’m praying for you.
Thanks Hua! The first five months without sleep were pretty rough, but now we’re getting more rest and it feels good to have persevered during that foggy time. It definitely taught me SO much about prayer and the power God has to change us when we think there’s nothing left. And yet it’s not a “once and done” kind of thing when marriage is for life, so the prayers continue 🙂
It’s awesome to hear how much you enjoy your marriage and have persevered through early trials. So encouraging!! Thank you for your words and your prayers — they are so much appreciated!
Im a christian man who is asking for prayers for my broken marriage. My wife and I are separated not divorced. she wants a divorce but hasnt gotten it in 4yrs. she wont reconcile. Im ready to give up, our kids pray that God would bring us back together.. Asing for Gods help.
Just reading this post now. How has God worked this out? Are you doing ok. I’d love to hear an update and encouragement.
Just reading this post now. How has God worked this out? Are you doing ok. I’d love to hear an update and encouragement. I love this article and I will be praying theses prayers very often. Wish I had seen it earlier. Makes so much sense!
We are praying for your marriage and your family Roland. Thanks for reaching out.
Sometimes there is nothing we can do to change a situation. We can’t go back and make different decisions, and we can’t control how another personal feels or responds. We don’t always see the error of our own ways, either. But God is in all of it, and He is the one who can renew our minds (giving us minds like Christ http://goingbyfaith.com/?p=1055) and hearts to see, hear, respond and even pray differently.
pl pray for my husband that god will give smooth heart to accept me
Dear GK, thank you so much for reaching out. We are praying for you and your husband. May God touch his heart with love, renew his spirit of affection for you and realize/remember the beautiful blessing of being joined together as *one* in marriage. God bless you and keep you always sister.
AMEN. May God grant him the mercy he needs to love a wife. Blessed be God fr ever
Great post and just what I needed this morning. I am supposed to be working on homework but needed something to read/pray after my husband and I just got into a big fight. The frustrating part is that we had just prayed together for our day to be a good one and I perhaps, in thinking about it, I should have waited to pray because he said his heart wasn’t in it…but I knew he was anxious and that is why I wanted to pray.
Lately, I haven’t liked him much. We have been tested and challenged over the last year and he has been angry, depressed and really not very nice. Oh, I am confident I haven’t been nice at times too and am sure he has felt disrespected by me. I am in counseling and forced him to go too because his anger and words have caused me to feel very anxious (my first husband was physically abusive). I know every marriage has ups and downs and ours seems to have a lot of downs over the last year. Our daughter (mine from previous marriage) has been in drug treatment for the past 8 months and while I gave it to the Lord and am trying to trust Him he has had a more difficult time with that, which seems to be a big reason for a lot of our fights. He is on short term disability due to an injury at work so I know he has a lot of strongholds.
Point is, this article was perfect because I have a lot of things I need to pray about regarding my own actions and inactions and I have a lot of things I really need to lift him up in prayer. We did become one in Christ when we got married and both love the Lord. I love him and I need to learn how to be in love with him again. I am not sure, today, how to not let the continued negative comments as he walks by affect me because I quit talking when the argument started and started praying (not something I, admittedly, always do), but I will keep praying God will intervene. Thank you for letting God be a conduit to others needing some guidance.
I so understand this struggle Lisa. Just when I think we’ve moved past certain types of reactions/responses in our marriage, boom… we meet again. But thank God for His faithfulness. He sees all and knows all, and He will continue to deflect the arrows while strengthening us! Pray for the Lord to use you; pray for the Spirit to fill your husband’s heart with love. God keeps His promises.
Blessings sister.
It is now five years after our wedding with my husband, the problem is that, as for now he is interested in another women who are prostitutes.
Kindly pray with me so that God’s covenant does not ashamed with the devil.
Thanks as you pray for me.
I have been married to my husband for four years as of October. I met him 7yrs ago when I was 15 and he was 19. I had always dated older guys so that was not a problem. While dating we had some problems with “cheating”. We have had some of the normal problems that you would have in a marriage. God called my husband into ministry and he has operated in the position of a prophet for at least 3 yrs. He has preached God’s word and cast many demons out in Jesus name. I say al of that to say that he undoubtly has “made the devil mad”. He started driving semi-trucks back in September and I was left home by myself to take care of the house on top of the fact that I started a new job that was paying less. It was a very hard time for us both. While he was in training he came up against some very dunting trials and it became very stressful for him. He needed my support at that time and I was not able to give it to him because I to was very stressed out. It was in this time that he reached out ot numerous women through facebook in a search for just someone to talk to. He came home for Christmas to tell me that “he was not feeling our relationship”. He has made countless comments as to why he wants to leave. He is stating that it is a combination of things that have built up over the years and he ist tired and thinks he is in love with another women. He has only talked to her over the phone but he says that she is everything that I am not and everything he needs, He is very angry at me because he feels that his mom has turned against him and that everybody is just looking out for the prophet and not the man. I am spent out I want my husband back but I know that if he sleeps with another strange women than I will not be able to love him the way I want to. I will always despise him and will never fully forgive him. I have prayed, cried, dobted, cried, and prayed some more. I areally feel like the devil is attacking our marriage and when I tell him that he says its not the devil its just him trying to find happiness and me nor his family are “letting him be happy”. I feel disrespected, devistated, taken advantage of, lonely, ashame, and just flat out hurt. He has said some very hurtful things to me in this process. Through all of this he still comes home and we have intercourse and he tells me he loves me but when he wakes up, sometimes crying, he states that he can’t do us anymore. I am so tired and faint and I am praying and it is hard to be still and let God work.
All i can say is WOW how its relieving to know i am not the only one going through the same thing as lisa b and chandra both,my husband and i have been together for 17yrs,off and on,he throws me out with my 3kids who are not his,abusive more verbally than physically but is physical,always use i in the marriage from day one,as well as the first 14yrs kept his family ,whom we stay all around,in our business who i gladly let know they dont run my relationship,cheated,never been supportive of things i would like to do for my self esteem or ideas i have,i’m tired and do know i have a very outspoken headstrong stubborn nature,honestly a hard working faithful wife,we been through so much hurt and pain,i figure all these yrs we should be at love peace and happiness,once again i can only say for the last time,he’s put his hands on me,throwed all my items out the house tearing half up,for the first time though his family actually seemed to take up for me letting him know he wrong,but when he gets to that level he doesnt care who what when where,so being tired of no where to go again and i babysit my grandbaby who is just crazy about him,please tell me how to pray for that when i pray for God to help me with my tongue and bullheadness,and he is convinced its me oh and my grown kids who he always say we disrespect,unappreciative of him,dont care and dont help in the household,when i know he only uses that to justify his actions so he can be at peace with what he says about my kids as well as myself! Mind you he’s cheated,want to be controlling,not as abusive as the first 10yrs,but verbally abusive,we have our own accounts,post office box,and he does not pay my bills,really could say more but it’s all so irrelavent to me as i feel honestly from day one i got terribly sick night b4 we got married,went the work day of,had to come home sick and he left went out with his cousin,I just honestly feel like the bible verse i cant call that says God has tried day one to say its not meant for us to be together and we both overlooked it and still continued all these yrs to try to work it because thats what we want,truthfully just believe the Lord is trying to move one of us out the way so he can work on both us individually,said when i came back this last time i wasnt leaving,but 4yrs gone by and i am once again homeless put out ,jumped on,at 17yrs in trying through it all because i strongly believe in staying committed when you get married,his land and we lost the house, due to him not managing the note with his offshore job,i got loans and borrowed money from his family whom i paid back by myself,just to keep the house putting it in his sister name and so his mother would lose her land,and feel bad and lil confused on signing divorce papers he is going this morning to file,reading your article on submissive along with all the rest that speaks of me because I know the power of prayer and the Glory of God in what he can bring you through from personal experience of what i been through in my life,just feel in my heart it wasnt never meant for us to be together we kept forcing against the Lords Will,so tired physically emotionally mentally and spiritually to where i just dont know what to do!! Goin to go read more of you goin by faith and just try to sleep which i havent done nor ate due to stress last 3days,do believe strongly as he always do that God will bring me through this because of all he has done for me so blessed to where i feel unworthy of the Lord because i keep letting him down with my behavior and ugly actions i allow to flare up when i need to stay humble! Truly need help so lost cant explain!!
please pray for my marriage, I still love my wife with my entire heart, however she has fallen out of love with me and actually despises me. I have not been a good partner but I pray for forgiveness and reconciliation, and I ask for prayers for our marriage, for the sake of my wife myself and our 3 wonderful children
To pray for all the marriges n for my marrige too. My husband is not cristian n i keep on going serving God ni know one day that God will make a miracle changing my husbands live to the best.God is with us Amen.
I am my husband we sre saperate for 3 month now but I still love my husband please pray for our marriage to reconcil I still want him to be part of my life we have been in a relationship for a year an we been in marriage for 8months please help us with prayers to get back together
I have been in a relationship for 5 1/2 years with a wonderful man whom I love very much! We’ve talked about marriage, but I think he’s scared to make that kind of commitment. I feel like I don’t want to waste another 5 years waiting for him to figure out what he wants, but I also don’t want to force him into marriage. I don’t know what to do. Should I break up with him, should I stay? I am so confused, please pray for us to have clarity on what God wants us to do? I feel like a lost soul.
Please pray for my marriage I have been married 21 years and my marriage is in trouble my husband hardly talks to me because he is either on the Internet on his Facebook or texting in his phone he is always angry and mad he shows no affection like he use to. We are both Christians he has lots if unforgiviness and he holds grudges and he does not mind throwing my mistakes in my face. The bible says that a husband is sopposed to love his wife the way God loves the church that’s the prayer I want for my marriage I want my husband to love me unconditionally. We are going on two years with him acting not like a husband but my room mate I want my husband back please pray for my marriage.
Please pray for me. My wife will not forgive me and her heart is becoming hard. Everything I do for her is not good enough and I get blamed for most things. Pray that she will open her heart to the lord and forgive me. Thanks for your prayers!
Please pray for me. My husband and I are separated. I got frustrated because I never received attention from him and he always mismanaged the money and I was always the one cleaning up the messes. I got sick of being met with disappointment that I wronged him, was led astray and stepped out. He has forgiven me and I myself. He is even been staying at the house with myself and our kids for the past 3 months. However, he keeps his apartment and wont give me child support. House is about to go into foreclosure bc I can’t keep everything up on just my income and I am just about to break. Even with him staying and saying he has changed, the change isn’t evident I’m still the one having to run the household. I don’t want to divorce, I want to honor the vows I made to God … But I know that God doesn’t want me crying everyday. I’m going to read this over and over again. Pray with me that a miracle is performed in my marriage..
PLEASE PRAY for my marriage. PLEASE READ Am I doing the right thing? Been married for 22 yrs. I have always struggled but pushed through. I was backsliden when I married so of course I married a non christian. I have struggled through the yrs trying to please God and also my husband even though he was not walking with God like me. We have 3 boys, 20, 18, 9 who I have done my best to bring them up pretty much been a single parent. They have all asked and accepted Christ into thier hearts. My 9 yr old just recently.
I have done journaling off and on since 2009. Course alot of it is talking to Christ on paper. My husband is ungodly, He is addicted to some form of drug all the time wether it be legal or non legal, he alos used to be a alchoholic. Verbally abusive to me and the kids. It has been very difficult for me to stay close to God because this home is not. Tried so many times for counseling he refuses. So many people have prayed and still are for him. The past 3 yrs has been the worst of all. Anyway I almost left him a about 3 yrs ago. Praying so hard God said almost like he was sitting next to me ” You cant leave him now or he will never come to me” So I stayed. I always have believed marrige is forever. I prayed and prayed and so did everyone else. 2 yrs ago I got in a rollover accident down a 20 ft incline. Roof ws crushed all the way to the seats. God was with me that day or i wouldnt be here now. However I walked away with issues from that wreck. I have bipolar depression anxiety a whole list of course plus fibromylgia. I beleive it was for me to grow closer to God which agian is difficult when Satan runs my husband. About 6 month ago I went to my moms for a month and let him know that the drugs stop or I would be gone. Figured he would relize and choose family instead of drugs. He said he stopped and course I came home and he didnt stop he lied which is not the first time. ( He lies about a lot of things. So been dealing with it agian. Verbal abuse ect ect. Same old thing. Have never been so hurt and so miserable ever than I have been for the past 2 yrs. He quit for a couple months but things have not gotten any better and he said he is going to do drugs agian cause he is miserable without it. 3 nights go he said ” Maybe we should split up, we dont deserve to be unhappy, you need a man to make you happy and I need companionship. We have fallen out of love with each other” This cut me like a knife. I know that I have thought about lately that if things do not get any better I have to get my newly saved 9 yr old away from this cause now he has severe anger issues and doctor wants him to see a counselor. So when he said that I thought about the next day and now I am moving out for sure this time. I love my husband and do care about him (including if he has health issues form all this drugs) however I am not attrcted to him anymore. He has pushed me so far and hurt me so much for so many yrs. I am mentally and physically exhausted and I have tried the past 2 yrs so hard including I have been seeing a psychiatrist my self for the past 1 1/2 yrs. The past 3 days since he knows I am moving out has been like a rollercoaster ride. One minute he is giving me the guilt trip bigtime and the next minute he is being hateful and mean. When he is talking sometimes I so much want to believe him but I force myself not to since he has done this over and over agian. So please please anyway any thoughts would help and I need to get through this.
WOW ..Glory be to God!in my search in God’s guidance on how to fight for my marriage this is the best blog ever.Thank you I have faith that frm today onwards ,My marriage will glorify God,step by step I will pray thease prayers according to God will
Vuyo 34yrs ,Southafrica ,Cape town
I just finished reading this article, and can’t tell you how much it helped me!
It was a word of the Lord for me. I have some hope again, and a roadmap
that can help me along:-), God bless you and thank you!!
I need prayers for my marriage. My husband is immature, money hungry and does not say kind words. I cannot afford to pay any Christian site and I need prayers to help this marriage because my husband does not get or care about how I feel. I cannot get out of the marriage because I do not have a job. I have applying for jobs every where and I do not get any offers.
This is an awesome article!!
Hi, I feel so blessed everytime I read this, It reminds me always how god loves my marriage. I am holding up my shield of faith, God will always protect my husband and He will always protect His masterpiece: our marriage! God bless everyone.
I am looking for the right way to pray that my husband come home to stay—he has been working over seas; before going there, he was always gone driving a truck for Yellow Freightways all over the country. Please help! I am copying all of the above ways to pray for us and our marriage because I know they will help us. Thanks!
Thank you for sharing. This article is a blessing to me.
With prayers , God will help me perfect my love towards my husband, and then I can exercise faith for a change in his attitude, and also for my marriage to survive . Gal 5:6 says, “For in Jesus Christ neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision; but faith which worketh by love”.
God bless.
please pray for me and my husband, we been married for 43 years this feb. we are having trouble. He constantly talks down to me, he wants me to leave. I ask you all to pray and ask God to intervene and help us. I don`t want a divorce, I want us to be happy.
I am going to implement some of these. I have diligenly been praying for my marriage and family since November. Husband filed gor divorce in February. I was not the best wife for 15 years. I worried, was anxious, stressed, overwhelmed and tried to do it all. I did not provide the loving touch my husband needed. Since October I have a new found relationship with God. His changes in me are miraculous. I realize now that I didn’t have the spiritual relationship that I should have. God is working in me and I pray my husband would see. I have read scripture, books, inspirationals, blogs, etc. I’ve attended counseling and meet with my pastor. My heart tells me to keep praying andvtrying, but he is unwilling and hardening. I pray with request, staye thanks, and yesterday heard of using God’s promises. I know Satan comes hardest after believers and followers of Christ…. but it is hard. I needed this to add to my list. God promised what he joined together let no man put asunder. I keep this in my heart!!
Everyone thought we had the perfect marriage. We are not. It is sad, that there sre so many marriages in Christ that are struggling. The enemy is working overtime to destroy the very first institution God created – marriage. I really like this list. The prayer of a righteous man avails much!
Please pray for my husband who says he believes in God, not just say it but use his actions to show it. He has an alcohol addiction he says he can quit on his own and yet he continues andhas been lying to drink. When I catch him in a lie I am blamed and he shuts down and tells me to leave him alone. Calls me names verbally disrespectful. He needs God’s help. I pray he will surrender. He is doesn’t want to go back to AA or any church group he says they are too depressing. I want him to open up to God with all of his heart and be honest again. My trust is gone with him. Please help pray for us. He is full of excuses and doesn’t want help to quit.
Just praying for better days after 2 miscarriages (one currently happining right now) It’s been really hard for not husband and I this past year and Ive just been down as well as he has….. Keeping my Faith it’s so hard at times but I’m pushing and praying
Dear Rhonda, I’m sad to hear this news of your miscarriages and how hard this year has been for you and your husband. Many people are going through hard times, you are not alone. I’m so encouraged to hear that you are keeping faith through it all. What a blessing you are to me today to read, and also I’m sure you are blessing others by seeing your faithfulness even in suffering. Maybe in time that will also uplift and encourage your husband. I just want you to know that you are in my prayers today as well as your marriage. Big hug.
Please pray for my parents marriage. They have been married for about 20 years but things have gotten so bad over the years. They are get into very big fights over very little things and I don’t think they love each other anymore.. This makes me feel so bad because I love them so much and I want them to be happy.. My mum acts irritated around my dad and has depression anger and unforgiveness.. Dear God please quickly and suddenly intervene in my parents marriage and restore the love and happiness in their union please Lord let them love each other again and settle their differences.. Lord please heal all the wounds and let peace and happiness reign in this home. Please God let them love each other again with the love of God. Lord even when it looks hopeless I choose to trust you because there is nothing impossible with you. Lord I pray for all the marriages under fire that you calm the storm. In Jesus name. Amen
Dear God please free my wife from the influences of toxic feminism, it is driving us apart.
My husband has let me down .. I’m depressed. I drink more than ever . I have just given up hope. He dont do the things that I dreamed of. Our yard is horrific. He dont care . My health concerns me as well as my mental health. Please I pray for change. I cant go on much longer.
My husband and I been separated since July. I been praying everyday for it to change. I love him unconditionally will do anything for him. One thing I haven’t done yet is forgiveness I need to forgive. When I read a prayer that It is telling me to forgive him. I already asked God to forgive me and him. I been praying everyday for our marriage and the love that we have for each other. It will turn around I believe, have faith , hope, trust