There's a life that looks real. And pretty and safe. On paper. On screen. And then there's real life. The life that is behind all that. The one that has character and flaws and wonders. The one … [Read more...]
Keeping Faith During a Job Loss
My husband might be losing his job, and since we live on one income that has us concerned. But we feel hopeful, maybe even a little encouraged, and I'll tell you why. First, some … [Read more...]
Stepping Out on Faith Alone
I think about the first moment when I stepped out on faith alone. How that felt. New. Strange. Different. Awkward. And while there's so much to say about what happened next, I can't help but … [Read more...]
Stay Calm, Christian
There's so much going on. So so so much. And all I want to tell you is to hold on. To stay calm. To breathe. I remember getting close to having my first baby and wondering about labor pains. I … [Read more...]
Keeping Faith in God: 6 Ways to Lean In Deeper
Love this topic. Love, love, love it. Because this is all of us at times. You are not the one Christian out there who is struggling, wondering if you really believe or even feeling like you just … [Read more...]
55 Quotes about Believing in God
We all have moments when we question our faith; when we feel the temptation to wonder, Is God real? If you want inspirational quotes about believing in God, here are 55. Because like C.S. Lewis … [Read more...]
The Hands That Hold Us
As a person who used to run away from problems, who ran away from people who loved me, who could never feel good enough about anything, and who placed hope in the attention of others, I am continually … [Read more...]
Do I Have Faith in God?
Something I learned this past week: putting faith in God isn't a half-in-half-out kind of thing. Did I think it was? No, not really. But I had to make a decision: trust myself and my limited … [Read more...]
Going By Faith: I Don’t Know Why or How, but God Does
There's an old Chinese parable about a farmer whose horse runs away. Upon hearing the news, a neighbor comes over and says, "Your horse ran away, what bad luck!" The farmer says, "Maybe yes, maybe no. … [Read more...]
Keeping Faith in Trials, Temptation and Tough Times
Trials knock at our heart and surround us. Temptations set in, hoping we'll feel the pressure. Tough times come right after a moment of joy or small victory. We toss and turn at night, wondering … [Read more...]