Things have gotten so hard you want to give up. You're tired of fighting. Tired of feeling misunderstood. You don't know why you're struggling so much. You doubt yourself. You doubt God. When evil … [Read more...]
Who Is It Really About?
Whenever I get to thinking it's about me, I suffer. And yet my human nature always wants to make it about me. What I deserve. What I don't deserve. What I think is best. What I don't. Whenever … [Read more...]
Time to Surrender?
"An unsurrendered life is a mess. A life surrendered to Christ is a message." I saw this quote on Rick Warren's twitter page recently, and it had me thinking. How do we show others what it means to … [Read more...]
Show Me What I’m Looking For
“I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.” ― C.S. Lewis We may not consider ourselves physically blind, … [Read more...]