There's a life that looks real. And pretty and safe. On paper. On screen. And then there's real life. The life that is behind all that. The one that has character and flaws and wonders. The one … [Read more...]
5 Ways Past Mistakes Could Benefit Your Life Today
Maya Angelou once said, “Do the best you can until you know better. And when you know better, do better.” As Christians we can take past troubles particularly hard, dragging them around in … [Read more...]
Coming Clean: Confessing and Healing the Past in Faith
Is there something you did in your past that still causes you to cringe, feel shame or guilt? It's the thing you’d rather not talk about it. Or maybe, you don’t want anyone to know. And yet it … [Read more...]
Reflections on a Sinful Nature
Looking in the mirror, I see a person who wants everything to be perfect. Who wants to be right. Who knows that suffering brings perseverance, but desires to live comfortably. I trust in the Lord … [Read more...]
Keeping It All to Yourself?
Are there some feelings better kept to ourselves? Most of us would answer yes to this question. I always did. But then I learned a better answer. A little while back I went through what felt like … [Read more...]
Confessions of Irresponsibility (the Part-Time Christian)
This weekend I heard a sermon that touched on a few of the biggest disasters throughout history, one of them being the sinking of the Titanic. Of the 1,347 people who perished, something close to … [Read more...]
Confessions of Greed
Greed leads to a lonely place. I know because for a short time in my life, I lived there. And it's a cruel master when you become its slave. Nothing is ever enough. Nothing can satisfy. Worse … [Read more...]
Confessions of a Hater
Most of us don't think of ourselves as haters, but most of us also turn a blind eye to activities we enjoy -- especially when it comes to hearing about the misfortune of others. While there's a … [Read more...]
Confessions of Cowardice
Many of us feel strong in our faith. Like Peter, we say we will follow Jesus always and love him openly. And like Peter, we have a side of cowardice -- a side that doesn't know Jesus when it's not … [Read more...]
Confessions of Selfishness
If we want true fellowship with God, confession of sin is necessary -- especially when we're confessing selfishness. If we're trying to control our own outcomes (or put other people and things in … [Read more...]