“An unsurrendered life is a mess. A life surrendered to Christ is a message.”
I saw this quote on Rick Warren’s twitter page recently, and it had me thinking. How do we show others what it means to be a Christian?
Of course we all make mistakes, but do we give our issues over to God daily? Do we surrender fully, even in the face of adversity? It’s not easy.
Moments of Surrender
Last week a coworker said something to me in front of a group, and by the way it was said I felt like a fool. The who or what isn’t important, but the truth is I started to react.
And then suddenly I heard it: Hold steady. Humble yourself.
Later that day when I thought about what happened, I felt the burn of resentment. It felt like someone knocked the wind out of my sails.
But then I remembered that in the trials, in the weakness, we can turn to God and find strength! I had to surrender and give the whole issue–and whatever other comments I was storing from the past–over to God.
Remembering the humility of Christ helped me put my pride aside. God hears our prayers, and He wants to help us become more like Him when we ask. He will give us ample opportunities to learn and grow.
At times we will feel alone. We will suffer. The suffering is never in vain.
We must always keep praying for each other.
Strength in Surrender
Brothers and sisters–take heart when you feel weak. Take heart because our God is bigger than any issue. Our God SAVES, and we show that to others every time we choose to humble ourselves–over issues small and big.
Like St. Francis said, “Preach the gospel. When necessary, use words.”
How do you surrender to God?
Photo Credit. Thank you!
Wow, you really know how to challenge! You already know this is my weak spot, that standing, letting God be known through my actions or lack of (as in no retaliation) and showing that I’m a follower of His. I really find the workplace so very tough. So this has challenged me to not be so quick to get annoyed, to come back with the sharp comment, to be petty about the little things.
You ask the question “How do you surrender to God?”? Well, If I’m totally honest, I’m not sure I do very often. Hmmm, lots to think on. Thanks (I think!).
Great post, I love the way you make your readers think, reflect and put out the challenge – and the encouragement.
I’m learning more and more (slowly however) that there is so much victory in surrender, so much freedom (like exhaling out all the toxins of what we hold on to when we don’t – surrender.
Yes, so agree. It’s a moment by moment thing, a choice to react or let go.
Great post.
@BnnnyB– Your comment reminds me of something I heard once that every time we want to retaliate but don’t, every time we literally choose to turn the other cheek (as hard as it is), there is a celebration in heaven.
Thanks @Karen! I couldn’t agree more. When I get embroiled in an argument of any kind, I can feel my body begin to tense. It’s amazing how hard surrender feels at the moment, but like you said, how freeing it is just after –and sometimes even during as we grow and mature in Him.