Just when we’re having that beautiful sunshine day, in floats a cringe-worthy thought from the past. How did I do that, we think quietly–maybe even regretfully–while temptation smiles and adds one point to the score board.
Ah, you sneaky devil.
The temptation we feel to worry about the past plays on the thought that, well, … that was me. The keyword phrase to pay attention to, however, is at the end of that last sentence: that was me.
God doesn’t haunt us, he loves us.
Jesus didn’t come to judge the world; he came to save it. (John 12:47).
I write this, and I also struggle to remember this at times, which requires going by faith. Could someone love us so much as to forgive all our sins? Yes, without a single doubt. God wants us… he knows us and loves us. He gave His son for us. Sin that has worked in our life is not who we are. It does not belong.
Have you entrusted your soul to God? Then you know the good news: Your soul has been washed clean by the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!
Nevertheless, if you’re feeling haunted by the past, these three questions could help protect your focus:
1. Do I believe the world, or do I believe God? (Who is more powerful?)
2. Did I pray about it?
3. What does the Bible say about it?
Let’s take it right from the Bible
The apostle Paul gives it to us straight:
In the past I spoke against Christ and persecuted him and did all kinds of things to hurt him. But God showed me mercy, because I did not know what I was doing. I did not believe.
But the grace of our Lord was fully given to me, and with that grace came faith and love that are Christ Jesus. What I say is true, and you should fully accept it: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of who I am the worst. But I was given mercy so that in me, the worst of all sinners, Christ Jesus could show that he has patience without limit. (1 Tim 13-16)
Read Romans, read Galatians, read Ephesians, read Corinthians… Matthew, Mark, Luke, John. Read where you feel called to read. It’s all there. Read the Bible.
Listen, there’s nothing–nothing–that can separate you from God’s love.
If you’re feeling confused by what you hear out there in the world, listen to God. He can remind you in his spirit, in his word, in his song. Here’s one for itunes, for example: I am New by Jason Gray.
Verse snippet:
Too long have I lived in the shadows of shame
Believing that there was no way I could change
But the one who is making everything new
Doesn’t see me the way that I do
Who I thought I was
And who I thought I had to be
I had to give them both up
Cause neither were willing
To ever believe
I am not who I was, I’m being remade
I am new
Dead to my sin, I’m coming alive
I am new.
Let’s pray for the spirit to help us walk in the purity of the Lord. He remade us, and we can trust that.
How do you explain to others that you’ve been remade?
Photo Credit. Thank you!
What a great reminder! When we accept His grace and stop judging ourselves we can let go of the past. You hit it right on about those pesky/ sneaking thoughts creeping in and how to deal with them.
Yes, we’re transformed into new creations by God’s love – that he forgives us our past and allows us to be molded into, well, HIM. Christ is the head of the church and we are the body, yes, that means we are ONE! How do we “hang out” with God if we are filthy sinners? We don’t! But by our faith, God has promised to remember our sins no more, that by the sign of Jesus, and the resurrection from death to life, God made a covenant for all mankind that all who believe will receive eternal life. The teaching goes on to tell us we’re new creations, that all of our past is made new. So, that past, even though it was me and I was sorry, it wasn’t me or you, it was just the past and no longer is. So let the worries go and rejoice that you are persevering over trials, by God’s grace and love, and faith is growing. “He who the Son sets free is free indeed.”
@MommieKat — Yes, that’s the part to get — accepting his grace.
@David — Thanks… it’s important to remember that the “old self” is no more. When we look back at the play in our mind and see ourselves, we have to remember it’s the old person. The new person may look the same, but we are by no means the same.
Being ruled by God rather than by the world makes all the difference in really “living” vs. simply surviving. Can’t serve two masters.
this helps alot this is what i beleive too but i struggle with doubt i wrestle with it is a better statement , how can i stop being slapped around like waves ,? i pray i read my situation is i only have myself bible and tv to draw from and i doubt myself and most shows i watch
Thank you so much for these touching words. Am I am one of the people who really struggle to get rid of this guilty feeling of the past. But now,am sure things will start to change after reading everything including the Bible verses. Thank you so much for this website. May the good Lord bless you always.
I have jv with a landowner and had morgage the land. Part of the money went for the development and as still short of cash i gamble away the balance.
I was not Christian then.
I feel so ashamed as I have not been able to to honor my joint venture agreement and they are after me. I accepted Christ in 2013. I have been praying for forgiveness from the Lord and for His guidance and wisdom that I will be able to repay them.
God has been good since I have accepted the Lord. I do find peace in Christ even as I go through this pressure. I believe through Him all things are possible. No problems in the world that our God cannot see us through.