In good times it’s easy to talk about faith. It’s easy to see why we believe and encourage others to “keep the faith” when they’re feeling down. But what about periods of prolonged suffering or surprise attacks?
How do we keep the faith in tough times?
I pondered this question just yesterday. After a long stint of peace and tranquility, yesterday proved challenging with flaring emotions, less-than-graceful communication and the temptation to — yet again — go over details.
Even with all the reading, all the praying and all the practice of trying to stay peaceful, yesterday was overwhelming, and I found myself begging God to drop me a line.
Nothing happened.
I prayed over and over for Him to bring relief and change the scene. Nothing. I felt discouraged, depressed… and impatient. Why wasn’t He answering my prayers? Why wasn’t He showing Himself? And then I remembered something: We grow in our faith, and it takes time. The struggle strengthens us.
Keeping Faith
Our faith isn’t always tested in the good times; our faith is tested during trials and times of challenge.
When we ask, “Where are you, God?” and hear crickets chirping, that’s when we’re left to decide. Will we believe anyway–cultivating a more mature faith? Or will we decide He’s not there, falling back on all the voices we’ve heard in the past?
Sometimes we can see the temptation at work in these moments; sometimes we can’t. We take forward steps and backward steps (and side steps and missteps), but we’re growing when our number of forward steps become greater.
Taking that forward step is your faith in action.
3 Ways to Keep the Faith Right Now
1. Lean Into the Faith You Have
Choose to remain faithful when there is no visible finish line and no feeling of relief. Lean into it and bear through the discomfort that comes from trusting in what you cannot see. It’s not taking a risk–it’s strengthening your faith. Are you struggling with trusting God?
Think of a yoga stretch or new skill; getting to the next level requires a time of discomfort while pushing forward. You will feel (and eventually see) the difference. “This calls for patient endurance on the part of the saints who obey God’s commandments and remain faithful to Jesus.” (Revelation 14:12)
2. Pray for Strength and Guidance
During the discomfort, pray that God guides your steps and keeps you strong. Temptation will sway in and out to mislead and falsely appease you, but pray right through it. “Watch and pray, so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the body is weak.” (Matthew 26:41)
And if you fall for it… which we all do at times… start again. Keep choosing God over and over and over.
3. Remain Planted in Good Soil
When you feel the struggle heavy on your back, bury yourself in more good soil. Surround yourself with loving friends, pop into a church before starting the day, read the Bible, put some encouraging messages where you can see them, attend a service, watch an online sermon, ask someone you love to pray with you or meditate on positive thoughts. As my husband tells me, stay in the Word. The tough times will hit us, but we are living for something bigger.
“But the seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop.” (Luke 8:15)
Blessings to you this week!
What’s the hardest part about keeping faith in tough times for you?
You might also like Keeping Faith in Trials, Temptations and Hard Times
This really hit home. In dealing with a life treatening time in my life, it was so hard with a husband and daughter to imagine not being here for them. And then I decided I am not going to let it get me down, I am going to keep on fighting and Keep the faith. I did just that, I prayed before every surgery and every treatment I had thereafter. I prayed for answers, but there is no one going to give answers, you just have to continue to put our faith in something bigger that we can even grasp.
I am doing better now and my outlook on life has completely changed. Life is too short to not make the most of every day. Don’t hold grudges, make enemies, its a waste of energy. Smile, Love, Laugh and Believe.
That is an awesome testimony. I also am facing a life crippling time. The fear of my job and family income and independence is overwhelming. I am striving every day to focus on being a blessing to others. I need go growninfaith every day.
I am struggling with so much pain because i have many reasons to believe my kids are in the hand of a perpetrator. Despite the evidencie and witnesses of violence against them, the justice has ignored me and punished me for seeking safety from him, giving him custody and letting me and the kids completely unprotected.
I have to live pretending nothing happened, that he Is “good” and speak good about him to my kids plus forgiving him for everything he did to me and to them and keep trusting God that some day my kids will be safe from all kind of abuse and we will be heard and receive justice.
I have to forgive him AND the court system and deal with It, alive. Sometimes i don’t want to live anymore because It Is too cruel my reality, but i live for God and my children and somehow i manage to smile and make their life a little better when they are with me, while trying to not think about this horror every single minute. I don’t do drugs or alcohol or meds. I don’t have suicidal attempts. I work, I pray, I attend church. A normal person but with the darkest worse pain a mother can carry. And I can’t talk about It! The lawyers didn’t helped because I was a targeted individual in USA. I had several attempts of murder by poison and managed to survive. Please pray for us we need help.
I just survive all this incredibly terrifying painful and unfair life situation because of God.
If i can, you also can. Stay strong Saint, we will see justice some day in Jesus name!!
Me too!
This in consoling, to think od all that Paul suffered & yet he remained undaunted by the trials of life. It brought home to me the truth my dad said, sitting at the table family devotions “the Christian life is not a parade, it is a battle.” My interruption was Lupus; I thought I was reaching the end of my earthly journey, but God said, ‘not yet’. It went in remission, I feel reasonable healthy, enjoying each day as it comes.
Wow! God is good!
Krista, you are an endless inspiration. You have always been strong and courageous, but your experience has taken “keeping the faith” to a whole new level. You are blessed. I love you so much!
Jen you are a breath of fresh air. Thank you for doing these writings. You have taught me so much in such a small amount of time. Thank you. Love you.
What a great site you have! I love it! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I look forward to reading yours regularly.
This website is a welcoming place for people to understand and accept life experiences . Looking forward to more updates
You are oooozing inspiration!!!! I actually read one of your blogs on a site that led me here. Our footsteps are ordered, and I am thankful for that. Because I just recently decided to trust God, regardless!!!! I had to understand, that it does not matter what I am going through, HE IS WITH ME!!!! So why fret and worry? I will be taking notes from your site because your writing causes me to want to “act”. Thank you so very much.
Misty — Thanks so much for your encouragement. It’s fulfilling to reflect on what God’s doing in our lives! I’m just a recorder 🙂 xoxo
Thanks Stacy! Looking forward to reading more from you too… it’s amazing how the spirit works through us all to share the message.
Devon, thank you. You inspire me with your determination to put your book together and share a good message with families. Praying for all success!
Wow, Spirit, your comment has inspired me — if we know He is with us, why fret and worry? Every day we have to realign ourselves and remember to trust. Trust that there’s a bigger picture and a GOODNESS behind it we cannot yet fully fathom. Blessings to you for sharing your encouragement today!
Your writings on “How to keep faith in tough times” literally gave me exactly a solution that I was searching for, especially the 3 ways to keep right faith. This, I believe, has happened because God’s presence seems to be with you and wants me to know HIM more. I thank you very much for your encouragement to people. God Bless You and Your Family.
I been going threw something unbelivable for so many years.praying for a way out but im still going threw right to this day.I prayed and prayed and I notice as I prayed GOD has been giving me a inner peace I cant explain even though im going threw.
I’ve been goingg trough a rough time. I to have been cryingg outt to the Lord. It seems He’s not listening at all but I know He’s there. I’m so scared that my marraige is over. My wife who is a Christian asked me to leave and dumb me left, and after almost two months I’ve received a separation agreement to sign. What am I to do. Get a lawyer and fight or give her what she wants. I need wisdom from God so badly but I can’t seem to hear Him and what He requires of me. I love her and think she’s making a big mistake. She says God told her to do it so we can grow closer to Him. She’s not crazy, and I know she ‘s seeking God but feel the enimy has tricked her with his lies. I try to talk the truth to her to no avail. Please can someone pray. My wifes name is Judy
@Vicky — Thank you for sharing this. I’ve heard of people going through extremely trying times and growing closer to God in the process. Refinement? Spiritual warfare? God bless you sister. You’ll be in our prayers. We read a book called “The Life You’re Fighting For” by James Robison, and it might be applicable, though I’m not sure.
@Tom — I’m sorry to hear about the current situation with you and Judy. First and foremost, we are praying for you both, that the Lord will direct your paths according to His perfect will and bless you both with merciful and forgiving hearts, filled with His wisdom and love. Something that comes to mind personally is to seek counsel from your pastor and guidance from godly men you know and trust. Also, my husband and I attended Weekend to Remember recently and it was unbelievable. Many couples go as a last resort before divorce; others go to strengthen already thriving marriage. Testimony:
Here are bible verses about seeking counsel:
James 1:5, “If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.” With that said, sometimes He uses other people to help you in this process.
A wise man will hear and increase in learning, and a man of understanding will acquire wise counsel. (Proverbs 1:5)
The naive believes everything, but the prudent man considers his steps. (Proverbs 14:15)
Jen, I haven’t been having anywhere near a life threatening problem. Just a little emotional situation and a daughter in college who is becoming more independent and making her own choices. Not to mention it’s that time in my life where my hormones are outta whack. But still, with a lot of changes going on in my life I have been finding it harder and harder to trust that God has my best interests in mind. Sometimes it feels like He is just punishing me because I have been bad or something. I feel God trying to stretch me in new directions to help me to grow in my faith and understanding, and this article I think is Him telling me that that’s what He is doing. It seems to be a recurring theme in all my Bible study as of late. Thank you for doing His work. We all need to hear it. I hope I see it’s truth soon. Lord bless you.
I’m praying for you even today Darla, for God’s peace and comfort to fill your heart. He course corrects His children when we need it (when it’s for our good), but God doesn’t punish us. He’s a loving father who has our best interests in His heart.
Jeremiah 29:11 says, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
God bless you sister.
Tom Keats I said a prayer or you. Things will get better.Trust me….
Tom I just prayed for you and your wife Judy . Do not fret The Lord is with the both of you, have faith and trust in his majesty. He will never leave you of forsake you. !
Three years later… Still good valuable guidance!!! Thanks, I needed this. 🙂
And three years later since your comment and I needed to read that too! lol Back to writing. God’s good to encourage us through each other. God bless you.
I am presently going through the greatest deal I have ever had in my life. Being away from family and friends, miles away… and not being able to follow uo studies judiciously because of lack of adequate finances..but from the moment i read this, I felt so inspired and motivated, i´l keep the faith and plead you also pray for me …Actualy, there is a software course which i want to do but do not have enought finances to do it but i trust and beleive strongly that God will make a way, not only in this issue, but in the success of life as an entirety…
Sometimes being far from those we love gives us that special time to grow closer and depend deeply on God… even to bring good friends into our life in our new location. How did everything work out? God bless you Ngaba
Hello brothers and sisters. My name is Steven and I’m going through a hard time. I’m 20 years old and I have been with the same girl for almost 4 years. I have had previous girlfriends but I have never been as serious or felt this type of connection I have with this girl I’m with now. We are currently on break and I have been praying daily. I’m afraid of losing her and I think her problem is that she is dwelling on her past with her previous boyfriends that have done he wrong. I honestly think it’s the enemy trying to make me lose faith. Y’all know how the enemy works. When you have a good thing he will try and take it away. I’m just asking for prayer to bring us back together as boyfriend and girlfriend and have a stronger relationship. My girlfriend name is Lakayla. Thank you guys.
Thanks for reaching out Steven… how did everything work out?
God has a plan. Trust in Him that He knows what’s best for you both!
I’m 25 years old.I’m facing trying times. It’s not the worse but I’m in a storm. It’s been hard for me as far as I can remember I feel alone and I know God is with me all the way through but this time I feel afar. I’m in an underpaid job while some of my friends are making more than what I am making. The economy in getting a better job is very slim. I have no one to rely on for a thing and I realize that I am thinking or doing things that is against God. I feel so alone please pray for me.
Praying for you even now! Trust God sister, turn to Him with your needs. Ask, seek and knock, like Matthew 7:7 says. I hope all is going well.
Am going thru a hard time dt every thing seems not 2 be working out 4 me and my family, we have been encountering disappointments, our rent has not been paid! My children schooll fees has not been paid, not to talk about feeding. I will not say that God has giving up on us, I belive is a had time dt I will surely testify 2 the goodness nd glory of God.
I have been looking for a job for there years, and I continue to get interviews but I also continue to get rejection after rejection. I keep praying and asking God for help but I am still unemployes. I get depressed and have suicidal thoughts sometimes. I don’t what to do.
God bless you Rachel, how are things going?
Rachel, hold on to God’s unchanging hand, and know that you Will get what you need.
This really helped a lot. I started to give up on faith and my kids, didn’t know what to except the pain im going threw or the fact that I’m giving up. It just seems like I’m in it alone and there’s no one out there with the same problem I have. Thanks a lot this help for sure. but there’s still a small portion of me still questioning my faith. I need help please.
We all have trials, some the same and some different. It’s amazing how we can feel like we’re the only ones dealing with certain things. I used to think that too. Let me know if I can pray for you. I will, even now. Hold on, don’t give up. There are good things ahead.
It doesn’t matter if the whole world is coming against me; if God is with us who can be against us? I am a child of the living God and I’ll rejoice. No weapon that is formed against me shall prosper, this is my heritage. I am a child of the Living God!
Amen and amen!
this really helped me. i am in a tough and was starting to loose faith but after I read this I knew I could do it. thanks
Amen! God is good 🙂
I so needed this. I just typed in how do you keep the faith when everything around you is falling apart. And your website was the first to come up. I’m truly blessed by this reading. I that whole keeping the faith section. I pray and cry and pray. I search my life and see if I’m doing something that made God step aside I beat myself complete up and still know not why I like God can’t hear me. I thank God for placing you in my life at this time. And may He continue to use you to bless other who may be feeling like I was. I feel like God just started speaking to me again.
That’s so great! Thank you so much for sharing this too! When I wrote this blog I never had a clue anyone would read it. I thought if one person found it and it was helpful, that would be a blessing. We really do all have many of the same trials. May he continue to speak to us and encourage us!
God bless you Brenda.
I find myself losing my faith in god alot, I use to say all the time my mother had all the answers but I had to understand that, the lord and savior is the answer, I’am going thru so much right now and it’s my fault because I put myself here and all I can feel is that man upstairs showing me everything where I went wrong, I have to tighten up with god and keep my eyes on Jesus because if I don’t I will fail. I understand that he can take something right away from you if you don’t give him time, I understand that god does talks to me, I can’t see him but I can feel the spirit, and know that it’s him in my conscious. I will for sure take heed of everything you mention in keeping your faith in god this really helped me out. Thank
Amen! As we look more and more to God, he shows us more and more how to look to Him above all others. He’s the only perfect voice of the past, present and future. I pray all is going well for you. God bless you!
God is sure holding our hands through this challenging moment. Let’s not go ahead of him but patiently follow his pleadings because his time is the best and perfect. God said He will never leave as nor forsake us read ps62:5 and PS 42
In good times or bad, I’ve always had a problem with PERSEVERANCE.
Same cycle for years at a time: going to Church, pray all the time, intense belief in God, and finally prayed for perseverance, which I didn’t seem to have answered……
….because for one reason or another, I would stop going to Church, praying, and occasionally questioned the existence of God.
Well, once more, for the past few years, I have been enduring a lot of emotional pain and hardship….along with my continuous physical pain (which I accepted years ago).
Initially, I was not going to Church, but I firmly believed in God, and I prayed.
A lot of times it seems that God does not even hear me.
Yet there are answers, but not in the way that”I” want answers.
And since patience is not my strongest virtue, nothing is answered quick enough for me.
However, I have to believe that God….in His way, in His time…is allowing my trials for the past few years in order to FIRMLY teach me and to instill perseverance AND patience for always.
BTW, this is a wonderful site! Very in touch with issues and solutions…..and a very decent site.
Thank you for sharing BJ! We all have times where we struggle with faith, some more than others, but I pray even now that God bless you and keep you, and that you will feel his presence. God bless you!
Thank you for sharing your story. I was feeling very depress today. But after reading your story , I realize I need to keep my faith and call on him at all times. I hope and pray everything works out for you and your family.GOD BLESS
Thank you Stephanie. Fast forward two years… how are things going for you? I am praying for you too.
My family really going through it an have been for a while now I pray ,pray an it seems like my prayer not being answer. So I finding myself asking do god hear me am I praying wrong what is it that I’m doing wrong. Just keep my family in prayer thank you.
Your family is in my prayers even now Victoria. God hears the prayer of our heart, we can trust that. It says in 1 John 5:14 “And this is the confidence that we have toward him, that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us. ” He has a plan for us even when we cannot see it. How are things going?
Faith is hard to keep these days when you have nothing to keep you going its so many people in need of so much an pray that god grant every prayer in Jesus name amen!!
We have to let God dwell in us and us in him so as for us to be fruitful. Let God take control. Our faith should grow day by day by reading the word of God and believing in him that he is the Alpha and Omega. No weapon formed against us will prosper if we are planted in good soil so, we should always stay close to God so as for us prosper.
Hi um to whoever wrote this thank you
you’ve given me some great steps to live by and to have faith and keep having it and to just trust in god and know that something good is going to happen and that He has a plan for each and every one of us whether we choose to take the smooth, clear road or the rough, bumpy dark road because I have been having a lot of struggle and difficulties in my schooling years and it has all just become a lot and too hard for me to handle so I am printing this out and putting this on my wall so every morning when I wake up I would read it and have faith throughout my day.
Praise the Lord, that is so amazing. You are the reason God led me to write this; you and every person who takes something away from this. We all have these trials. I love coming back to this post and praying over the comments and commenters. May God bless you Tearnie… He has good things for you!
I am a staunch Catholic, born and bred and by choice to remain so. My life has been indented with an overwhelming and inordinate amount of suffering that still persists. The pain of this relentless suffering is affecting the quality of my life and I have, sadly lost all faith in God and am ashamedly feeling hatred towards him. I perceive God to be synonymous with suffering and fail to comprehend how this negative aspect of faith to be purposeful. I, therefore as of today wish to retreat from my faith and ” go solo ” . I feel God should do everything in his power to assist this despair and hatred I am feeling towards him…… not vice versa. Sarah Grant.
I don’t know if you’ll see this comment, but i hope you have regained faith in God. He loves you. Sometimes we endure suffering as a Christian l, and it seems like God is not there for us. But He is. Through every trial in our lives, He is there. He loves us dearly, more than we can ever imagine. When we face difficult trials, we must remain bested in His Word. When it gets too hard to stand, kneel. I too am a Catholic, and enduring hardships at the moment. Sometimes it is too much effort for me to worship, but i make myself do it, and trust me you feel way better after. Ask God for the strength to keep going, and please email me if you ever need anyone to talk to. We all need to be here for one another. I will pray for you.
This was so awesome help me to understand how to keep my faith.Now I know how to keep fighting and allow myself to say strong in God eyes.Eliminate all the he negative all devilish power the power of God is all I need to stand threw the mist of it all.
Amen and amen!! God bless you Tynita
I really thank God keeping me in his care . l loose my faith a lot of times when I’m going through .But I know that’s a part of having faith and having patience. Thank you for your words of inspiration. May God bless you and keep you. Percy Burnett
Thanks I really needed to read that I am trying my best to walk with god please pray for me this I have been a tough year for me but I’m holding my faith this passage was really encouraging thank god and the peoples who put this together as always may god continue to bless.
I always find reading your advice very uplifting especially
when doubt starts to come into my head about my faith
I have been praying for such a long time for a very special petition
and sometimes i get so impatient and downhearted that i start wavering
and really have to focus to bring myself back so your words are a great comfort
to me. Thank you
Sharon, thank you, your words are a comfort to me! God uses us to encourage one another and pray for one another. We all have questions and struggles with faith from time to time… hold on, God knows our hearts, He will not let us fail. How are things going?
I recently have been going through tough times. Lost my job. Same day I lost my job, my lady friend indicated she no longer wanted to be with me. Finances are very tough. Have fallen into, which I believe is deep depression. Everyone is indicating economy is getting better but jobs are difficult to attain. Highly educated individual but can’t seem to obtain a viable offer. I try to pray and ask for his help but nothing is happening. I don’t know if I’m praying incorrectly or if I am. I’ll be honest, I’ve even questioned is God really listening. And if he is listening, why is he not answering prayers. I know it’s wrong for me to have those thoughts. But I’m very frustrated. I’ve been looking up scriptures and some healing words, but still frustrated. I know God says ask and you shall receive. Ask for forgiveness and he will. I’m not just asking for myself but for my two children as well. Thank you all. God bless.
Hi Randall, thanks for reaching out. God bless you.
It’s great that you’re seeking God for your needs and for your children; He knows your heart and He hears our prayers. It says in 1 John 5:14 “And this is the confidence that we have toward him, that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us. ”
You’re not the only one who has asked if God is hearing your prayers… a number of people on this post alone have commented that as well as in other posts on this blog. Sometimes we feel like God isn’t hearing us or delivering, but He already knows our future. He knows what’s ahead when we trust in Him, even when we can’t see or understand. That’s our faith in action. Literally stepping out even when we cannot see where the next step will lead. “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.” (matt 6:33)
How are things going? I’ll be praying for you.
I am going through a really bad time.i hate waking up in the ex partner and I have split,but the last thing we told each other was “I love u”.i feel half a man,nothing seems whole to me.i know I can give much more to the world,but feel like I’m living a slow hell.
Hi Carl, thanks for reaching out. I’m praying for you. I pray that you can feel God’s presence and love in your heart. God bless you!
I have been going through a tough time for about 6 1/2 years now.I am seperated from my wife 6 1/2 yrs through my own fault, i hurt the very people i was suppose to be taking care of, we are both christians and, i wasn’t prepared for what the enemy threw at me and got swallowed up big time, losing the trust my wife had in me, i was the only man she ever loved,if only i knew then what i know now things would be muçh different.Reading other peoples testimonys is a great help to me i too pray and feel like maybe Gods had enough of me.Sometimes my wife and i get on so well, other times nothing.I would appreciate all prays God bless you all
Thanks for reaching out Eddie. Absolutely you and your wife are in my prayers, and I ask that all who read this continue to lift you up in prayer.
The first thing I thought when I read your comment was “Weekend to Remember”… it’s a program by Family Life focused completely on marriage. They have it in different cities / different dates. My husband and I went four years ago. Some people are on the brink of divorce and they go and come back renewed. We’ve heard so many amazing testimonies. I don’t know if that’s something you or your wife would ever consider, but there are other programs like this out there, even your church… are you able to counsel with a pastor or elder in ministry of marriage? Praying for you guys. God bless you. (if helpful)
Hi Jen, I wanted to send you a little note, not sure if you will get this since it is so far past this post. I know that God is always with me, I pray and tell him my hope and faith is in Him and I trust His will for me. I still have moments of feeling down and out about this stalemate I’m experiencing and it hurts. I pray everyday to keep the Faith and I read my Bible and the truth spills out to me in so many ways throughout my day! I shouldn’t be having these kind of days! I feel bad that I do! I just wish I didn’t still get down and do you have any advise for when those days happen?? Thank you!!
I do see your comment! Hello Love 🙂
Actually this is interesting timing because after 3-4 years I’m active again on the blog again just in time to see this. Is your stalemate a struggle with trusting in the Lord or something else in your life? Either way, just know that we all have these trials, it’s not just you. And if it helps to know, I pray for increased faith often, not just in hard times, but in all times. Trust that He is there, trust what you cannot see because that is your faith in action. He will bless you for it.
Remember when Thomas didn’t believe that Jesus really appeared to the other apostles while he was gone? And then Jesus appears to Thomas, right there in front of everyone, and Thomas says, “My Lord my God!” What does Jesus say? He says: “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” John 20:29
God bless you! Let me know if I can pray for you
Hello all, today was the day when I lost my both ovaries cos of endometriosis.I lost all my faith in God,and when I am reading this blog I have seen that there is still some hope for god.pls show me some path on how I can come out of this depressing situation.pls help me.
Hi Bharti… I’m praying for you sister, and I’m so sorry to hear about the pain you are going through. He has a beautiful plan for you, don’t give up!
We all have struggles with faith. You’re not alone. Choosing to keep faith is your freewill choice. When I have temptations to doubt, I think about all the ways God has shown himself over and over again, including when I was broken and he gave me a real life. I think about these things and remember them in detail. But I also pray for faith. I pray for increased faith often, not just in hard times, but in all times. Are these things that would be helpful for you too?
How are things going?
Wow, what a blessing to read your comments. I was inactive for a few years on the blog, but day this reminds me of how much I LOVE being back… we are real people. We are brothers and sisters in Christ. We all have trials, all of us. We all struggle. The important thing is what do we do next? Where do we turn your eyes?
“I lift my eyes up to the hills, where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth” (Psalm 121:1-2)
First, I want you to know that I have read and reread these comments and am praying for each one of you–whether the comment was from 2010 or a few days ago.
For the question of “how to do I keep faith?” … it’s your freewill choice. Faith is believing in what we cannot see. When I have temptations to doubt, I think about all the ways God has shown himself over and over again, including when I was broken and he gave me a real life. I think about these things and remember them in detail. I tell my children and remember how I was so amazed… God is real. This is not just something you believe to believe… he is alive.
But I also pray for faith. I pray for increased faith often, not just in hard times, but in all times. There is so much I could say here, maybe this needs its own post 🙂 Meantime, I encourage you to literally “go by faith”… take a step out to God, even when you don’t see Him there, trust that He is there, trust what you cannot see because that is your faith in action. He will bless you for it.
Remember when Thomas didn’t believe that Jesus really appeared to the other apostles while he was gone? And then Jesus appears to Thomas, right there in front of everyone, and Thomas says, “My Lord my God!” What does Jesus say? He says: “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” John 20:29
Hello friends, thanks for the encouraging message. Please pray for me. My story is way too long to write it all down but in summary I needs God’s favour and grace to overcome 20 years of baggage and pain. I became a Christian when I was a teenager and a year later or so fell in deep love with another woman. At the time l hadn’t even heard about woman loving another woman, it came as a huge surprise. Of course I wasn’t loved back or shown any empathy and it was the beginning of my 20 years of pain and rejection. I never practiced or loved again. In different circumstances l have felt so betrayed and pushed away especially from believers and ended up a loner for many years. I keep praying to God to show me the way but I need help in this journey but as a result of betrayal and heavy stuff I have gone through l donno how to trust anyone to talk things through cos all I get is judgement and people making me think God is punishing me. Please pray for me. Mimi
Hello Mimi, thanks for reaching out! Yes, I will pray for you that God shows you the way and guides you on your journey. Also praying for loving Christian friends to enter your life who can understand you and your past hurts. For me that was a huge comfort and support as I began following Christ with my life. You have my prayers sister, God bless you.
“Do not be afraid. I will save you. I have called you by name—you are mine. When you pass through deep waters, I will be with you; your troubles will not overwhelm you. When you pass through fire, you will not be burned; the hard trials that come will not hurt you. For I am the Lord, your God. … because you are precious to me and because I love you and give you honor, do not be afraid—I am with you!” Isaiah 43:1-5
Unfortunately people who have been so unsympathetic are believer. But I keep trusting God he will make a way. I desire to have children and have inner peace in me, relieved from heaviness of many years. Many thanks as you pray for me
Many thanks Jenn for praying for me and being an encouragement.
My son’s world was torn apart when the single father of his four only friends died unexpectedly. The kids all have been moved away and relationships have not resumed. The girl he loves has been deceptive and unfaithful with another person who called himself a friend. This has happened 5 times before with friends doing things to take away a girl he liked. He feels cursed by God rather than loved. I see what he has been going through. Yes, it could always be worse, but knowing that doesn’t cause a person to love God more. He feels God is against him even when he is doing all he knows to do to obey God. It hurts. He feels betrayed, and I am out of answers.
Hi Stephanie,
I’m sorry to hear that your son has been through this. I have sons, and I can feel your heartbreak for him 🙁
From what you wrote is sounds like maybe as a result of hurtful circumstances or the choices people have made in your son’s life, he feels God is to blame (as in that perhaps God has “cursed” him)? Do I have this right? Is he feeling betrayed by God?
As humans, we commit plenty of mistakes. While some of us consolidate and forget thinking of it as past, some of us don’t actually get over with it and feel guilty about it day and night. In such situations, you have to make the fast move and make sure to forgive yourself for the wrong decisions that you took as a person. Those bad decisions could be anything, either your drinking habits, or less marks in examinations, or some more complicated problem.
The hardest part about trusting and keeping the faith is seeing others who have hurt you, others who are unkind etc living happy appear to get everything in their favor while you suffer. It just seems unfair and the hardest part is the waiting for your happiness to come, for your suffering to end. It’s a feeling like God has forsaken you and rewards the unkind, the users, the haters, the bullies etc.
This struggle comes up often in the book of Psalms and probably for most of us. And yet, what happens when we take our eyes off of “them” and turn them toward the cross? Amazing things start happening inside and outside. Keep your faith!
Thank you God because I know that the battle is won. As I let go and let you may I see the manifestation of my faith henceforth in Jesus name.. Amen
I feel totally collapse in all round right now! I just believe God will raise me up again, thanks for the encouraging words
Wow i just gave my life to GOD,its a peaceful but bumpy road according to my experience,though those bumps are worth while to kind of keep our faith Strong and i have been going through those bumps recently,but your posts are really strengthening thank you.
I feel like if I am battling against my own daughter at times. I am a strong believer in Christ but there are time that I have no answers for what the enemy puts us thru. This all started when my grandson Alex was diagnosed with a brain tumor at the age of 5. Lets just say that he came out fine from the surgery ( Thank you Jesus). As time went by he started having a lot of complications after his surgery so it came to shock for everyone that his tumor had grown again. He has to go thru surgery again and of course my daughter is preparing herself for the worse. I cannot give her any words of encouragement or faith for that matter. She resentment God for this. I know that in our times of trials he is testing our faith and yes I do sway away at times and question him ” WHY” but I catch myself and focus my eyes back to him. Please lift her and my grandson up in prayer and if you can please give me some kind of words to say to her….SPEAK LIFE TO HER DEAD BONES.
Thank you
A Lot Of Things Happen To Me But Through Faith In GOD I Succeed.
Thanks for this advice for keeping faith. I’m glad you mentioned that you should surround yourself with good things, like having loving friends or encouraging messages. These seem like friendly, happy reminders that could keep you going.
Thank you. It’s a good reminder that God will honor those with good hearts who hear and retain the Word of God and grow it in our hearts.
I have been so hurt by some people in my church and have been tempted to leave. I am still not sure what to do but I needed to read this post and read Luke 8: 15.